《霊力天書》Lv7 ▼ | |
Price: 100 / 10.000 Stacked: 1 霊力+45 Destroyed to: 10 幻仙石 Used in craft for following items 《霊力天書》Lv8 《霊力・必殺天書》Lv7 《霊力・移動天書》Lv7 《霊・体+移動天書》Lv8 《霊・体+詠唱天書》Lv8 《霊・体+必殺天書》Lv8 Lv8天書・《覇業》 Lv8天書・《覇業》 Items Addons:Amount:1 霊力 +45 |
Recipe: 万華鏡の天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 万華鏡の書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 中転天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
-Valley of Reciprocity-: 392 554 (24) World: 117 855 (38) |
Recipe: 体力・必殺天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 体力・物防天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 力・体+必殺天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 力・体+物防天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 力・必殺天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 力天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 天書_霊力天書 | |
Probability to create: 100.00% |
-Valley of Reciprocity-: 392 554 (24) World: 117 855 (38) |
Recipe: 敏・体+HP上限天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 敏・体+移動天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 敏捷・移動天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 敏捷天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 霊・体+必殺天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 霊・体+詠唱天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 霊力・移動天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 霊力天書—霊力天書 | |
Gold: 10.000.000 Probability to create: 100.00% |
Recipe: 霊力天書配合Lv7 | |
Probability to create: 100.00% |