Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100.000 / 100.000
Stacked: 9999


Award from quest

䐐赤全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䐑赤全勝‐青・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䐒青全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䐓青全勝‐青・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䐔引き分け‐赤・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䐕引き分け‐青・褒美獲得(01) (0)
䓧赤全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(02) (0)
䓨赤全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(03) (0)
䓩赤全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(04) (0)
䓪赤全勝‐赤・褒美獲得(05) (0)

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赤・PK申込み宝箱1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
䒹競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒸競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒷競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒶競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒵競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒴競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒳競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒲競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䒱競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
䏱競技場に入る 0 1 Required to activate quest
㨨申請! 0 1 Required to activate quest
Sold in
Name Exists
リーライ -Secret Hive- - 379 591 (0) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!