☆☆青海の魔具 ▼ | |
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Type: 補填材料
Subtype: お守 / 宝のペンダント Used by character(s): someclasstoupdate2, someclass, 月仙, 夜影, 召喚師, 剣士, 精霊師, 弓使い, 暗殺師, 妖獣, 妖精, 魂術師, 魔導師, 戦士 LV. 5 Metal defence +92 Wood defence +92 Water defence +92 Fire defence +92 Earth defence +92 Level Required: 35 Price: 246 / 7.380 Stacked: 1 Decompose to: 111
Destroyed to: 56
Award from questዸ龍探しの宝箱 (0)Items Addons:Amount:1-3 詠唱時間 -3% - 0.27% 物理防御 +17 - 4.07% 金系防御 +45 - 2.71% 金系防御 +61 - 2.03% 木系防御 +45 - 1.36% 木系防御 +61 - 1.02% 水系防御 +45 - 1.36% 水系防御 +61 - 1.02% 火系防御 +45 - 1.36% 火系防御 +61 - 1.02% 土系防御 +45 - 1.36% 土系防御 +61 - 1.02% HP +50 - 1.53% 力 +1~2 - 3.39% 敏捷 +1~2 - 3.39% 霊力 +1~2 - 3.39% 霊力 +2~3 - 2.03% 体力 +1~2 - 5.42% 体力 +2~3 - 3.25% 命中 +17 - 4.07% 命中 +26 - 3.05% 回避 +20 - 4.07% 耐久上限 +25% - 8.13% 耐久上限 +50% - 6.1% 未知属性(鑑定が必要) +??? - 33.33% 経験値 +1% - 0.27% |
Name | Level | Amount | Mob/Type |
ᨲ☆☆カルカレアタリスマン! | 0 | 2 | Required to finish quest |
Recipe: 5-6品魔法防御お守 | |
Unable To Create Gold: 47.362 Probability to create: 40.00% |
Recipe: 青海の魔具 | |
Probability to create: 30.00% |
World: 26 3 (24) World: 610 717 (22) World: 44 3 (25) World: 124 590 (52) World: 62 3 (23) World: 458 328 (26) World: 82 3 (23) World: 448 569 (22) World: 24 5 (24) World: 522 644 (22) World: 54 5 (23) World: 556 622 (22) World: 56 5 (22) World: 560 684 (22) World: -8 7 (22) World: 551 98 (22) World: 115 256 (20) World: 474 263 (17) World: 759 841 (24) World: 775 938 (26) a63???: 477 536 (24) a78???: 381 472 (12) a78???: 371 574 (10) a78???: 327 577 (10) a78???: 482 532 (11) |