Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Duty Badge
Type: Basic Items

Price: 0 / 100
Stacked: 9999

Lv40+ players may acquire this item once
a day from an Adventure Assistant. Used to
trade for a Puzzle Cube from the Teleport
Master in Room 1 of the Cube of Fate or for
a Rebirth Order from the Spiritual Disciple.

Award from quest

Duty Badge (40+)
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Cube of Fate 40+ 1 Required to activate quest
Devil's End(Lv.86+) 86+ 1 Required to activate quest
Godly Warrior(71-85) 71 - 85 1 Required to activate quest
One for All(Lv.56-70) 56 - 70 1 Required to activate quest
Reinforce(Lv.40-45) 40 - 55 1 Required to activate quest Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!