Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Iron Ore Shot Clip II
Type: Quiver
Projectile add 50-150

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 0 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Titanial Bondmaid 58 World
498 361 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 13383 8.9868
2 Claw King 59 City of Abominations
380 573 (45)
Fire, weak Water 14075 8.5733
3 Trioc Lord 59 World
429 307 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 14075 8.5733
4 Skelevizen Marksman 59 - Metal, weak Fire 60430 8.5323
5 Feligar Master 58 World
336 574 (53)
Fire, weak Water 13383 8.4868
6 Ultrafin Protector 58 World
710 766 (18)
Water, weak Earth 10706 8.3313
7 Raging Dranite 50 - Wood, weak Metal 10176 8.2944
8 Hexocelot Sniper 52 - No elements 44418 8.1202
9 Feligar Centurion of the Mist 54 Secret Frostcover Grounds
387 571 (33)
Water, weak Earth 53599 8.0826
10 Aerox Augurer 57 World
501 359 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 13020 8.0024
11 Illuminated Wolf 57 - No elements 13020 8.0024
12 Mistrealm Protector 53 - No elements 41538 7.9771
13 Archmage Kashu 52 World
341 577 (52)
Fire, weak Water 180872 7.9153
14 Feligar General 56 World
344 594 (52)
Fire, weak Water 15352 7.9153
15 Shrunchkin Sorcerer 56 World
497 359 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 12561 7.9153
16 Arch Wizard 55 - No elements 12211 7.8534
17 Callous Mantis 55 World
703 907 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 12211 7.8534
18 Green Grain Crocodile 55 - Water, weak Earth 9768 7.8534
19 Greenpaw Lemur 55 - Wood, weak Metal 12211 7.8534
20 Hexocelot Chief Archer 55 World
310 563 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 13567 7.8534
21 Ice Guard 55 - Water, weak Earth 244212 7.8534
22 King of Damselfly 55 - No elements 244212 7.8534
23 Mutant Horntail 55 - Wood, weak Metal 14924 7.8534
24 Quillhog Killer 55 - No elements 14924 7.8534
25 Red Wing Owl 55 - No elements 12211 7.8534
26 Taurox Warlock 55 World
405 315 (22)
No elements 12211 7.8534
27 Viriddis Stormhorn 55 World
119 684 (51)
Metal, weak Fire 271347 7.8534
28 Bleedingeye Hexweb 54 - Wood, weak Metal 11865 7.8019
29 Bloodtooth Enchanter 54 City of Abominations
409 590 (45)
Water, weak Earth 11865 7.8019
30 Mutant Antitan King 54 - Wood, weak Metal 11865 7.8019
31 Taurox Assassin 54 World
501 395 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 14502 7.8019
32 Westerly Canisblade King 54 - Earth, weak Wood 14502 7.8019
33 Barrens Boa 53 World
702 947 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 11239 7.7391
34 Grade Canisblade Crawler 53 - Earth, weak Wood 13736 7.7391
35 Hexocelot Guardian 53 World
328 584 (53)
Earth, weak Wood 12487 7.7391
36 Pyrogolth Emissary 53 World
468 398 (25)
Fire, weak Water 11239 7.7391
37 Rattus Deadeye 53 World
465 398 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 12487 7.7391
38 Aurichide Grimalkin 52 World
349 831 (23)
No elements 13220 7.6902
39 Bloodthirsty Shark 52 World
705 1008 (18)
Water, weak Earth 10576 7.6902
40 Canisblade Crawler 52 World
149 545 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 13220 7.6902
41 Rattus Berserker 52 World
468 400 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 13220 7.6902
42 Shrunchkin Berserker 52 World
499 445 (23)
No elements 13220 7.6902
43 Centipod Lord 51 World
676 968 (24)
Metal, weak Fire 12826 7.6321
44 Hexocelot Captain 51 - Earth, weak Wood 12826 7.6321
45 Quillhog Swordsman 51 - No elements 12826 7.6321
46 Tauroc Commander 51 World
456 469 (22)
Water, weak Earth 12826 7.6321
47 Mermaiden Rustler 57 World
701 877 (19)
Water, weak Earth 10416 7.5990
48 Ancient Salmo 50 - Water, weak Earth 203522 7.5355
49 Berserk Frost Giant 50 World
469 227 (24)
Water, weak Earth 10176 7.5355
50 Frigid Penguin 50 World
456 220 (24)
Water, weak Earth 10176 7.5355
51 Hugehead Lizard 50 - Earth, weak Wood 10176 7.5355
52 Ice Cornu Ox 50 - Water, weak Earth 203522 7.5355
53 Icebound Fury 50 World
474 207 (22)
Water, weak Earth 10176 7.5355
54 Obsidian Frostbound 50 World
446 236 (24)
Water, weak Earth 203522 7.5355
55 Raging Python 50 - Wood, weak Metal 10176 7.5355
56 Rattus Scout 50 City of Abominations
391 569 (48)
Wood, weak Metal 12437 7.5355
57 Silver Armored Ox 50 World
456 220 (24)
Earth, weak Wood 10176 7.5355
58 Snakeisle Scorpion Queen 50 - Wood, weak Metal 12437 7.5355
59 Snow Wolf 50 World
469 227 (24)
No elements 12437 7.5355
60 Taurox Centurion 50 World
236 697 (52)
Wood, weak Metal 12437 7.5355
61 Wayward Sword Spirit 50 World
474 207 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 12437 7.5355
62 Guardian of the Pride 53 Secret Frostcover Grounds
377 544 (33)
Water, weak Earth 72526 7.4341
63 Guardian of the Pride 52 Secret Frostcover Grounds
398 562 (33)
No elements 63454 7.3823
64 Flourished Dranite 49 - Wood, weak Metal 9394 7.3587
65 Frost Antelope 51 World
418 477 (22)
Water, weak Earth 10494 7.2643
66 Death Dancer 54 World
695 1007 (14)
Water, weak Earth 9492 7.2489
67 Vipion Revolutionary 54 World
701 997 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 11865 7.2489
68 Krimson Mechrab 48 - Metal, weak Fire 10234 7.2355
69 Praco 50 World
177 643 (65)
Metal, weak Fire 56534 7.0184
70 Vipion Sentinel 50 World
181 639 (67)
Wood, weak Metal 10176 7.0184
71 Winged Vipion Occultist 50 - Wood, weak Metal 10176 7.0184
72 Gilded Mechrab 46 - Metal, weak Fire 9577 6.9810
73 Salamando Dodonix 40 Gate of Delirium
404 574 (34)
Fire, weak Water 21627 6.9401
74 Blue Moon Pomfret 45 World
178 199 (21)
No elements 37865 6.8844
75 Senile Weezbloom 45 World
387 903 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 9256 6.8844
76 Soul Burning Devil 45 World
174 255 (21)
Water, weak Earth 7573 6.8844
77 Winged Slitherer 45 World
170 255 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 7573 6.8844
78 Chillheart Temptress 49 World
439 233 (24)
Water, weak Earth 46968 6.7552
79 Cruising Kindsquid 49 World
497 192 (21)
Water, weak Earth 9185 6.7552
80 Frozen Cauldron Devil 49 World
460 279 (24)
Water, weak Earth 9394 6.7552
81 Frozen Familiar 49 World
452 249 (25)
Water, weak Earth 9394 6.7552
82 Heteroscaled Vipent 49 - Wood, weak Metal 11481 6.7552
83 Hexocelot Warrior 49 - Earth, weak Wood 11481 6.7552
84 Ironhide Puss 49 - No elements 11481 6.7552
85 Polar Bear 49 World
452 249 (25)
No elements 11481 6.7552
86 Stranded Siren 49 World
497 199 (21)
Water, weak Earth 7515 6.7552
87 Taurox Sharpshooter 49 World
192 660 (49)
Fire, weak Water 10437 6.7552
88 True Vital Herb 49 - Fire, weak Water 46968 6.7552
89 Abyssal Giant 43 World
798 732 (12)
Metal, weak Fire 6696 6.7190
90 Bloodthirsty Piranha 48 - Water, weak Earth 8187 6.6512
91 Distant Dustwraith 48 World
236 692 (52)
Fire, weak Water 9304 6.6512
92 Goldwing Chief 48 - Wood, weak Metal 8373 6.6512
93 Ironhide Grimalkin 48 - No elements 10234 6.6512
94 Quillhog Sniper 48 World
459 478 (23)
No elements 9304 6.6512
95 Silver Fox 48 World
460 279 (24)
Water, weak Earth 10234 6.6512
96 Silver Wing Fox 48 World
459 275 (27)
Fire, weak Water 41866 6.6512
97 Tauroc Valorian 48 World
190 653 (52)
Water, weak Earth 10234 6.6512
98 Arboride Iblis 42 - Wood, weak Metal 8072 6.6400
99 Crab of the Mystic Depths 42 World
763 721 (17)
Metal, weak Fire 8072 6.6400
100 Infernal Ladywraith 42 Gate of Delirium
400 524 (33)
No elements 23302 6.6342
101 Mechanic Pterosaur 41 World
310 540 (47)
Metal, weak Fire 6365 6.5613
102 Brimstone Harpy 41 Gate of Delirium
388 557 (34)
Earth, weak Wood 22457 6.5524
103 Gothwraith Trioc 41 - Metal, weak Fire 22457 6.5524
104 Conquesting Dustwraith 47 World
121 585 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 9903 6.5423
105 Derranged Centipex 47 - Metal, weak Fire 9903 6.5423
106 Leopardite Canisblade 47 World
186 604 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 9903 6.5423
107 Skinned Python 47 - Wood, weak Metal 8102 6.5423
108 Tauroc Woodsman 47 - Metal, weak Fire 9903 6.5423
109 Hades' Torch 39 Gate of Delirium
415 583 (33)
Metal, weak Fire 25437 6.4865
110 Eldergoth Sharpshooter 46 World
137 540 (52)
Earth, weak Wood 8706 6.4355
111 Feligar Marksman 46 - Fire, weak Water 8706 6.4355
112 Hexsabre Mantis 46 - Metal, weak Fire 7835 6.4355
113 Taurox Cub 46 - Metal, weak Fire 9577 6.4355
114 Guardian Tombstone 40 Secret Passage
432 527 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 6130 6.4352
115 Overclocked Mechrab 40 World
643 877 (22)
Fire, weak Water 5994 6.4352
116 Rootrot Dryad 40 - Wood, weak Metal 7492 6.4352
117 Blood Quaffing Shark Lord 45 - Water, weak Earth 7405 6.3534
118 Dismal Shade 45 Secret Passage
405 556 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 168291 6.3534
119 Goldwing hunter 45 - Wood, weak Metal 7573 6.3534
120 Plumdrop Mantis 45 - Metal, weak Fire 7573 6.3534
121 Feligar Minion 44 World
319 858 (22)
Fire, weak Water 8941 6.2928
122 Great Twinheaded Canus 44 World
385 887 (22)
No elements 7315 6.2928
123 Kingly Jackaleopardite 44 World
173 557 (28)
Earth, weak Wood 8941 6.2928
124 Snake Isle Maneater 44 - Water, weak Earth 7153 6.2928
125 Dark Soul 43 World
168 247 (20)
Fire, weak Water 6848 6.2122
126 Desert Mastiff 43 - No elements 6848 6.2122
127 Lost Spirit 43 World
177 238 (21)
Water, weak Earth 6848 6.2122
128 Scarletail Wolf King 43 - No elements 8370 6.2122
129 Wonder Dryad 43 World
183 236 (21)
Wood, weak Metal 6848 6.2122
130 Scarletail Wolfkin 42 - No elements 8072 6.1447
131 Stoic Crocodile 42 World
158 199 (21)
Water, weak Earth 6458 6.1447
132 Vipion Cloudchaser 45 - Wood, weak Metal 7573 6.0964
133 Ferocious Lynx 41 - No elements 7780 6.0772
134 Foxwing of the Void 41 World
278 388 (38)
Fire, weak Water 6365 6.0772
135 Orchid Maneater 41 World
445 758 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 6365 6.0772
136 Snake Isle Planeshark 41 World
748 742 (17)
Water, weak Earth 6224 6.0772
137 Specter Guard 42 - No elements 40685 6.0155
138 Hellish Reverex 39 Gate of Delirium
394 578 (33)
Fire, weak Water 25437 6.0069
139 Fire Antitan Queen 40 - Earth, weak Wood 7492 5.9689
140 Regal Beekin 40 - Wood, weak Metal 6130 5.9689
141 Vampiric Thresher Lord 40 World
687 877 (19)
Water, weak Earth 5994 5.9689
142 Nether Servant 38 Gate of Delirium
448 571 (33)
Wood, weak Metal 19361 5.8956
143 Aged Turtle 42 World
437 717 (21)
Water, weak Earth 146772 5.7964
144 Chief Pyrolizard 40 - Fire, weak Water 6130 5.6397
145 Cloudmelding Vipion 40 World
433 851 (25)
Wood, weak Metal 6130 5.6397
146 Tortoise of the Ages 40 - Metal, weak Fire 6130 5.6397
147 Stone of Grief 39 World
624 827 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 5899 5.6246
148 Undine of the Hearth 38 World
467 976 (72)
Fire, weak Water 5488 5.5166
149 Lantern of Wrath 30 Hall of Deception
405 556 (34)
Metal, weak Fire 19119 5.4479
150 Striped Spider King 38 World
570 539 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 27440 5.4316
151 Wetlands Arbicrab 37 - Metal, weak Fire 5154 5.4283
152 Lithic Child 36 - Earth, weak Wood 5058 5.3231
153 Rancor Stone 36 - Earth, weak Wood 5058 5.3231
154 N/A39机关怪1 39 - Earth, weak Wood 33035 5.2901
155 N/A39机关怪2 39 - Earth, weak Wood 33035 5.2901
156 Specter Guard 39 Gate of Delirium
426 596 (34)
Earth, weak Wood 33035 5.2901
157 Ancient Evil 39 Secret Passage
412 544 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 5899 5.2650
158 Bladebeaked Bird 39 World
105 250 (20)
No elements 7210 5.2650
159 Chromatic Pheasant 39 World
139 209 (25)
No elements 5899 5.2650
160 Felbone Shanks 39 World
645 851 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 5899 5.2650
161 Terrawarth General 39 - Earth, weak Wood 7210 5.2650
162 True Healing Herb 39 - Water, weak Earth 5899 5.2650
163 Venomous Crimsontail Queen 39 - Wood, weak Metal 7210 5.2650
164 Haggist Geezlot 35 World
528 514 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 18938 5.2407
165 Lantern of Guidance 35 - Fire, weak Water 4849 5.2407
166 Salamando Maiden 35 World
467 990 (73)
Fire, weak Water 4849 5.2407
167 Torgirn Prime 35 World
593 593 (24)
Earth, weak Wood 4849 5.2407
168 Earthen Geomancer 38 - Earth, weak Wood 5488 5.1703
169 Fire Antitan Terror 38 - Wood, weak Metal 5488 5.1703
170 Hexhide Sorcerer 38 - Water, weak Earth 5488 5.1703
171 Solar Hex Hobwekin 38 World
664 898 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 6707 5.1703
172 Oddfoot Vizier 59 Valley of Disaster
418 551 (31)
No elements 54387 5.0989
173 Pentox Longleg 59 Valley of Disaster
393 562 (31)
No elements 54387 5.0989
174 Mystical Ultrafin 39 World
358 377 (20)
Water, weak Earth 4719 5.0873
175 Devilroot Dryad 31 World
499 521 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 4776 5.0139
176 Lantern of the Vigil 31 World
568 783 (39)
Fire, weak Water 3908 5.0139
177 Torgirn Sentry 31 World
498 521 (25)
Earth, weak Wood 3908 5.0139
178 Abysal Protector 38 World
353 378 (21)
Water, weak Earth 4390 4.9215
179 Shores Turtle 38 - Water, weak Earth 5366 4.9215
180 Vipion Wander 38 World
495 674 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 5488 4.9215
181 Florafang 30 World
410 534 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 13691 4.9087
182 Lantern of Metaphor 30 World
596 781 (34)
Fire, weak Water 3724 4.9087
183 Undine Supreme 37 World
705 774 (21)
Water, weak Earth 5154 4.7537
184 Drowned Undine 36 World
706 726 (19)
Water, weak Earth 4946 4.6729
185 Enflamed Gargantakong King 37 - Fire, weak Water 5271 4.4886
186 Goldnob Lord Diplopod 37 - Metal, weak Fire 6442 4.4886
187 Mutant Pyrolizard 37 - Fire, weak Water 5271 4.4886
188 Resentful Ghoul 37 Secret Passage
426 526 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 5271 4.4886
189 Undine Wench 32 World
557 561 (22)
Water, weak Earth 3276 4.4710
190 Backstabbing Scorpion King 36 World
251 486 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 6182 4.4165
191 Sapphire Planeshark 36 World
705 755 (17)
Water, weak Earth 4946 4.4165
192 Skelevizen Sailor 36 World
645 739 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 5620 4.4165
193 Tombseeker 36 Secret Passage
424 524 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 5058 4.4165
194 Antitan Soldier 35 World
582 593 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 4849 4.3596
195 Pyrolizard Morphling 35 - Fire, weak Water 4849 4.3596
196 Saint's Lake Verpent 35 World
359 382 (21)
Wood, weak Metal 3879 4.3596
197 Bondmaid Undine 30 - Water, weak Earth 2979 4.3504
198 Araneid Webmaster 34 World
603 632 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 4644 4.3371
199 Ossein Standard Bearer 34 Secret Passage
413 525 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 4644 4.3371
200 Raging Insect 34 - Wood, weak Metal 4644 4.3371
201 Saint's Lake Piranha 34 World
366 384 (20)
Water, weak Earth 4541 4.3371
202 Scarletnob Diplopod 34 World
603 533 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 5676 4.3371
203 Vanma 34 World
445 913 (36)
Fire, weak Water 103200 4.3371
204 Argenweave Mantis 33 World
586 597 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 4287 4.2829
205 Cloud Dancer Pterosaur 33 World
592 580 (34)
Metal, weak Fire 4287 4.2829
206 Cloudclap Viper 33 World
499 672 (30)
Metal, weak Fire 4287 4.2829
207 Dustwraith Hexarm 33 - Earth, weak Wood 4287 4.2829
208 Lava Dodonix 33 - Fire, weak Water 4287 4.2829
209 Tiger Striped Araneid 33 World
603 633 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 4287 4.2829
210 Araneid Webspinner 32 - Wood, weak Metal 4095 4.2357
211 Lupine Gladiator 32 World
554 561 (22)
Water, weak Earth 5005 4.2357
212 Ogre Razortooth 32 - No elements 5005 4.2357
213 Sharptooth Oddfoot 32 - Water, weak Earth 4095 4.2357
214 Enslaved Insect 31 - Wood, weak Metal 3908 4.2015
215 Venomtail 31 - Wood, weak Metal 4776 4.2015
216 Vipent Centipex 31 World
242 446 (31)
Metal, weak Fire 4776 4.2015
217 Wasp Hivewarder 31 World
538 583 (36)
Wood, weak Metal 3908 4.2015
218 Dangerous Drone 30 - Wood, weak Metal 4552 4.1274
219 Dustwraith Marksman 30 World
409 550 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 4138 4.1274
220 Iron Armored Ox 30 World
414 226 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 3724 4.1274
221 Leopard Striped Araneid 30 - Wood, weak Metal 3724 4.1274
222 Magic Cornu Ox 30 - Metal, weak Fire 74488 4.1274
223 Molten Reaverex 30 - Fire, weak Water 4552 4.1274
224 Obsidian Spellbound 30 World
440 235 (24)
Metal, weak Fire 74488 4.1274
225 Tauroc Scout 30 - Metal, weak Fire 4552 4.1274
226 Venomous Talontail 30 World
247 462 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 4552 4.1274
227 Yeti General 30 World
414 226 (24)
Water, weak Earth 3724 4.1274
228 Technicolor Firedrake 34 - Fire, weak Water 4644 3.9723
229 Stubborn Dodonix 32 - Fire, weak Water 4095 3.8870
230 Antelope Pup 30 World
453 493 (22)
Water, weak Earth 3724 3.7956
231 Farren Sereneti 42 - Earth, weak Wood 296764 2.5718
232 Farren Sereneti 42 Gate of Delirium
390 531 (33)
Earth, weak Wood 296764 2.5718 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!