Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Dexterity Material
Type: Materials
Subtype: N/A资料片新装备生产原料 / N/A随机生产原料

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1000

A material of dexterity. A material used for manufacturing high level gear.

Award from quest

I (1+)

Used in craft for following items

☆☆Moonlight's End (90)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色单剑配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Dragon's Voyage (92)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色双剑配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Heartless Smasher (93)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色单刀配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Fins of Antiquity (91)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色双刀配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Gleaming Windfall (93)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色长刀配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Warrior of Destiny (92)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色枪戟配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Meteor Shock (95)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色棍棒配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Rain of Hatred (90)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色长斧配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Djinn's Waltz (91)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色双斧配方
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Thunderlord (93)
Recipe: N/A资料片蓝色长锤配方
Amount needed: 1

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Archelon 150 The Lunar Glade
402 540 (22)
Water, weak Earth 1849028 33.3333
2 Arthropodaux 150 Abaddon
439 561 (16)
Earth, weak Wood 1849028 33.3333
3 Crystal Terror 150 Twilight Temple
444 588 (2)
Earth, weak Wood 1849028 33.3333
4 Plasmastorm Shocker 150 Seat of Torment
360 577 (61)
Metal, weak Fire 1849028 33.3333 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!