Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Training Esoterica
Time duration 3600 sec.

Price: 10 / 100
Stacked: 1000

Used to level your character more efficiently.

Gain a 50% bonus to EXP and Spirit when killing monsters.
Lasts for 1 hour.
Buff duration decreases even when logged off.

Award from quest

Tideborn Treasure (0 - 5)
Diamond Chest (0 - 70)
Platinum Chest (0 - 45) Amount: 2
Common Gift Pack (0)
Cloud Tiger Badge (0)
Gadget of Fortune (0) Amount: 2
Gained Training Esoterica (0)
Paper Celestial Chest (0)
N/A世界杯抽抽乐 (0)
N/A金葵花礼包·50级 (50+) Amount: 5

Show All Quests Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
N/A库任务地字1号011 0+ 3

Drop from: Molten Reaverex (30)  Rate:100% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!