Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Socket Stone
Type: Basic Items

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 9999

A Magical Item that's used to add sockets to gear at a PW Promotions Agent.
Also, this can be used together with Socket Stones at a PW Boutique Agent.

Award from quest

Bounty Hunter I (100+) Amount: 40
Bounty Hunter I (100+) Amount: 40
Bounty Hunter I (100+) Amount: 40
Bounty Hunter I (100+) Amount: 40
Bounty Hunter I (100+) Amount: 40
Lesser Ring: Heaven (0) Amount: 100
Lesser Ring: Devil (0) Amount: 100
Maiden-Kissed Chest (0) Amount: 2 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!