Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Prestige Teleport Totem

Price: 100 / 2.000
Stacked: 100

Teleports you to a previously activated waypoint.
Right-click to use.
Cannot be used in combat.

Award from quest

N/A17173的礼物 (20+) Amount: 5
N/A17173的礼物 (30+) Amount: 5
N/A新浪的礼物 (20+) Amount: 5
N/A新浪的礼物 (30+) Amount: 5
N/A腾讯的礼物 (20+) Amount: 5
N/A腾讯的礼物 (30+) Amount: 5
N/A奇虎360的礼物 (20+) Amount: 5
N/A奇虎360的礼物 (30+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY的礼物 (20+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY的礼物 (30+) Amount: 5

Show All Quests Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!