Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Yin-Yang Charm
Type: Materials
Subtype: N/A掉落金钱抵价物 / N/A六级特产品

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 100

Remains of some Wraith creatures.
Dragon Point Value: 15
Required for Dragon Quest: Suanni(61) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Used in quests
Name Level Amount Mob/Type
Rumors 0 12 Required to finish quest
Rumors 0 12 Required to finish quest
Item Donation 0 5 Required to finish quest
Craftsman Ling 0 15 Required to finish quest
Mo the Recluse 0 15 Required to finish quest
Craftsman Meng 0 15 Required to finish quest
Savage Native 0 15 Required to finish quest
King's Feast Chief 0 15 Required to finish quest
Blacksmith Tuan 0 15 Required to finish quest
Drunken Warrior 0 15 Required to finish quest
Chen the Referee 0 15 Required to finish quest
Item can be crafted
Recipe: N/A阴阳符生产配方

Dragon Sphere

Probability to create: 100.00%

Forge: Item Exchange

World: 117 855 (38)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 119 861 (38)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 431 876 (27)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 259 637 (25)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 556 636 (22)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 528 651 (22)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 541 687 (22)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 337 414 (22)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 664 371 (23)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 369 216 (22)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 368 251 (21)

PW Boutique Agent

World: 673 125 (24)

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Catacomb Skeleton 60 Twilight Temple
355 513 (8)
Metal, weak Fire 17666 65.5236
2 Eyes of the Krimson Beyond 60 World
428 409 (44)
Fire, weak Water 321206 60.2928
3 Gang Leader 60 World
500 316 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 16060 60.2928
4 General Lovelace 60 - No elements 14454 60.2928
5 Ossaur Rider First Class 60 - No elements 14454 60.2928
6 Scallywag Yayan General 60 - No elements 14454 60.2928
7 Tragic Gatekeeper 60 Valley of Disaster
406 545 (31)
Fire, weak Water 239364 57.4807
8 Tragic Gatekeeper 60 Valley of Disaster
403 557 (31)
Metal, weak Fire 239364 57.4807
9 Catacomb Skeleton 60 Twilight Temple
356 514 (8)
Metal, weak Fire 3533 50.9537
10 Boneyard Defector 62 World
567 379 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 15343 49.3177
11 Hands of Terrandes 62 World
581 395 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 15343 49.3177
12 N/A实验1 60 - No elements 88330 48.2153
13 Trioc Lord 59 World
429 307 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 14075 47.8626
14 Annihilator of the Skies 60 Valley of Disaster
407 552 (32)
No elements 55851 46.9435
15 Watcher of the Skies 60 Valley of Disaster
405 552 (32)
No elements 55851 46.9435
16 Professor of the Flame 61 - Fire, weak Water 57771 44.9848
17 Noxtouch Bone Mason 63 World
570 364 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 15739 43.5068
18 Mutinous Prisoner 58 World
496 360 (24)
Earth, weak Wood 16357 42.1170
19 Scorpid Venom Master 60 Valley of Disaster
423 564 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 68263 41.7718
20 Arboreal Cannibal 62 Valley of Disaster
422 591 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 59284 40.7781
21 Emmissary of the Flame 60 Valley of Disaster
397 516 (31)
Fire, weak Water 55851 40.1446
22 Skeletal Swordsman 60 Valley of Disaster
401 561 (31)
Metal, weak Fire 68263 40.1446
23 Sharpfang Oddfoot 61 Valley of Disaster
432 550 (31)
No elements 57771 40.1366
24 Ancestral Deity 61 Valley of Disaster
398 556 (31)
Fire, weak Water 57771 39.7568
25 Etherpond Turtle 61 - Water, weak Earth 70609 39.7568
26 Flamerage Drake 60 - Fire, weak Water 55851 39.5035
27 Ripe Cactopod 60 Valley of Disaster
434 574 (31)
No elements 62057 39.5035
28 Rattus Miner 62 Valley of Disaster
443 579 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 72458 38.4839
29 Antelope Sage 62 Valley of Disaster
436 519 (31)
Water, weak Earth 59284 37.7515
30 Indulgent Flametoe 62 Valley of Disaster
410 522 (31)
Fire, weak Water 59284 37.7515
31 Hydrad Daywalker 64 World
585 401 (22)
Water, weak Earth 16499 37.6610
32 Raging Pyrofiend 64 World
579 410 (22)
Fire, weak Water 16499 37.6610
33 Viperex Megalith 63 Valley of Disaster
444 579 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 74330 35.2681
34 Profane Warrior 63 Valley of Disaster
368 507 (32)
Earth, weak Wood 74330 35.1101
35 Trioc Ruffian 57 World
432 295 (26)
Metal, weak Fire 13020 34.7503
36 Dodon Laronist 63 Valley of Disaster
413 515 (31)
No elements 60816 34.7393
37 Resentful Heathen 65 World
543 427 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 17035 31.6752
38 Unjust Bowman 65 - No elements 18928 31.6752
39 Clever Cactopod 59 Valley of Disaster
422 565 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 60430 29.5624
40 Shrunchkin Sorcerer 56 World
497 359 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 12561 29.4630
41 Gauren Minion 59 Valley of Disaster
396 562 (31)
No elements 66473 28.4662
42 Oddfoot Vizier 59 Valley of Disaster
418 551 (31)
No elements 54387 28.4662
43 Pentox Longleg 59 Valley of Disaster
393 562 (31)
No elements 54387 28.4662
44 Remnant Venomtail 59 Valley of Disaster
412 559 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 66473 28.4662
45 Blob Sentry 59 - No elements 66473 28.2747
46 Noxious Philestine 66 World
507 393 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 96977 25.5873
47 Noxtouch Boneglow 66 World
557 418 (22)
Wood, weak Metal 17456 25.5873
48 Ravaging Yayan 66 World
528 410 (22)
Earth, weak Wood 17456 25.5873
49 Desperate Convict 55 - Earth, weak Wood 13567 24.3613
50 Pyrofiend Immolant 67 World
545 473 (22)
Fire, weak Water 17882 19.4354
51 Wretched Hydrolace 67 World
548 464 (22)
Water, weak Earth 17882 19.4354
52 Shrunchkin Warlock 54 World
497 395 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 11865 19.3618
53 Feligar Assassin 63 World
573 324 (23)
No elements 19237 19.3443
54 Pyrogolth Emissary 53 World
468 398 (25)
Fire, weak Water 11239 14.4052
55 Pyrogolth Hierarch 53 World
468 400 (25)
Fire, weak Water 11239 14.4052
56 Deepwoods Ghoul 65 - No elements 20820 13.9878
57 Acephalic Rider 68 World
615 438 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 18314 13.1458
58 Primeval Towerling 68 World
587 439 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 20349 13.1458
59 Guardian Jumby 89 - Metal, weak Fire 266637 12.3047
60 Shrunchkin Berserker 52 World
499 445 (23)
No elements 13220 9.5431
61 Shrunchkin Sharpshooter 52 World
499 446 (23)
Fire, weak Water 12018 9.5431
62 Bloodthirsty Runewolf 67 - No elements 21856 8.5079
63 Noxtouch Culler 69 Wraithgate
411 561 (33)
Wood, weak Metal 899482 6.6482
64 Spinewraith 69 World
556 459 (30)
No elements 19275 6.6482
65 Pyrogolth Mentor 51 World
456 466 (22)
Fire, weak Water 10494 4.7357
66 Taurox Cabal 69 - No elements 23558 2.8790 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!