Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Name Exists Level Element Life Exp SP
Alacazar Battalion Commander Y 150 Metal, weak Fire 145981 1 1
Blackhive Wolfkin Premier Y 150 Earth, weak Wood 12791 1 1
Darkbreed Wolfkin Y 150 No elements 63957 1 1
Deadmarch Sori Y 150 Earth, weak Wood 28086 1 1
Deadmarsh Vipion Y 150 Wood, weak Metal 28086 1 1
Demonic Mossprite Y 150 Earth, weak Wood 21528 1 1
Feligar Centurion of the Mist Y 150 Water, weak Earth 24104 1 1
Feligar Mistrealm Dreamer Y 150 No elements 120519 1 1
Hellish Terrawath General Y 150 Earth, weak Wood 107639 1 1
Lantern of Wrath Y 150 Metal, weak Fire 17160 1 1
Little Stooge Lichisa Y 150 No elements 85802 1 1
Molten Firedrake Y 150 No elements 131479 1 1
Ossaur Brigade Rider Y 150 No elements 29196 1 1
Pentox Longleg Y 150 No elements 26296 1 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!