The Evil Plant | |
DescriptionFind 7 Thick Woodstrips from the Arboride Dryads outside the west gate of Archosaur. Once finished, deliver the lumber to Mister Shih. Required to doGet: Drop from: Arboride Dryad (21) Rate:100% AwardGold: 0 Exp: 6350 SP: 1300 Reputation: 0 SP: 1300 New quest: Repair the Boat |
NPCMister Shih - "World" 571 677(22) Mister Shih - "World" 558 687(22) Award NPCMister Shih - "World" 571 677(22) Mister Shih - "World" 558 687(22) Reqiured QuestsQuest InfoLevel: 20+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |