Gather Heroes' Blood | |
Next: Time Limit
Parent QuestDescriptionGather a unit of Heroes' Blood at the bottom of the Great Lake and give it to the Messenger of Time to travel through time. Heroes' Blood can be found between the times of 0:00-3:00, 06:00-09:00, 12:00-15:00, and 18:00-21:00 at coordinates (362, 527). Required to doGet: Harvest from: Heroes' Blood AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 Teleport to: ChronoWorld 369 580 (27) |
Award NPCMessenger of Time - "ChronoWorld" 367 517(47) Messenger of Time - "ChronoWheel 1 - Tears of Heaven" 367 517(47) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable When fails, parent also fails |