Forgotten Honor | |
DescriptionFind the Secret Chest of the Talon within the ruins of the Fortress of the Talon. Use the Gold Key to open it and retrieve the Order of the Talon. Given items
Required to doGet: AwardGold: 0 Exp: 6900 SP: 700 Reputation: 0 SP: 700 New quest: Deliver the Order |
NPCTalon Member Chao - "World" 284 567(53) Talon Member Chao - "World" 74 1(24) Award NPCSecret Chest of the Talon - "World" 330 584(53) Secret Chest of the Talon - "World" 76 1(24) Reqiured QuestsQuest InfoLevel: 57+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |