The Wrecked Fleet | |
DescriptionFlowing Cloud near Dawn's Cry Isle wants you to kill 10 Mermaiden Rustlers in the waters to the south so he and Waning Moon can return to their mission. Required to doKill: Mermaiden Rustler (57) Amount:10 AwardGold: 26.000 Exp: 44000 SP: 5000 Reputation: 6 SP: 5000 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCFlowing Cloud - "World" 694 911(22) Flowing Cloud - "World" 52 1(22) Award NPCFlowing Cloud - "World" 694 911(22) Flowing Cloud - "World" 52 1(22) Quest InfoLevel: 57 - 70 Can give up Repeatable after failure |