Tauroc Valorian's Ear | |
DescriptionGuard Hsiung in the Dragon Wilderness has asked you to slaughter the Tauroc Valorians north of the Town of Arrivals and bring back their ears as proof. Required to doGet: Drop from: Tauroc Valorian (48) Rate:100% AwardGold: 21.000 Exp: 36000 SP: 4200 Reputation: 5 SP: 4200 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCGuard Hsiung - "World" 143 642(52) Guard Hsiung - "World" 80 1(23) Award NPCGuard Hsiung - "World" 143 642(52) Guard Hsiung - "World" 80 1(23) Quest InfoLevel: 47 - 60 Can give up Repeatable after failure |