Undoubtable Friendship | |
Next: Find Merchant Hsuan |
DescriptionThe Blacksmith has had no word from Merchant Hsuan of the Winged Elves for far too long. He longs to know how his dear friend is doing these days. When learning that you and Guard Mu are of the same race, the blacksmith begs for you to travel to the City of the Plume and catch up on how he is faring these days. AwardGold: 16.600 Exp: 18700 SP: 2150 Reputation: 5 SP: 2150 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCBlacksmith Sung - "World" 430 460(22) Blacksmith Sung - "World" -8 5(22) Blacksmith Yan - "World" 661 966(25) Blacksmith Yan - "World" 8 3(22) Quest InfoLevel: 50+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |