Saint's Lake Piranhas | |
DescriptionThe fishermen on Lake of the Plume have been attacked and had their catch stolen by the Saint's Lake Piranhas. Get back what you can of their fish. Take back 15 Rescued Fatheads from Saint's Lake Piranhas in Lake of the Plume. Required to doGet: Drop from: Saint's Lake Piranha (34) Rate:100% AwardGold: 0 Exp: 4995 SP: 1139 Reputation: 0 SP: 1139 |
NPCDivine Emissary of Light - "World" 325 425(22) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 550 636(22) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 555 675(23) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 667 370(23) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 378 219(24) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 657 128(24) Award NPCDivine Emissary of Light - "World" 325 425(22) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 550 636(22) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 555 675(23) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 667 370(23) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 378 219(24) Divine Emissary of Light - "World" 657 128(24) Quest InfoLevel: 31 - 40 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |