Dragon Leaves | |
DescriptionLegends say that Dragon Leaves were once part of an ancient dragon. Breaking superstitions is difficult, even today. Bring the Dragon Leaves so they can be used in alchemical recipes. Travel to the eastern part of Lothranis and gather 10 Dragon Leaves. Required to doGet: Harvest from: Dragon Leaf AwardGold: 0 Exp: 35250 SP: 8037 Reputation: 0 SP: 8037 |
NPCDivine Emissary of Void - "World" 550 635(22) Divine Emissary of Void - "World" 555 676(23) Divine Emissary of Void - "World" 667 370(23) Award NPCDivine Emissary of Void - "World" 550 635(22) Divine Emissary of Void - "World" 555 676(23) Divine Emissary of Void - "World" 667 370(23) Quest InfoLevel: 91 - 100 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |