Faction Exam Room | |
Next: Exam Question 1 |
DescriptionDaily Question and Answer quiz: the questions are made to test your knowledge of your Faction Base and other basic facts about this world. If you answer them correctly, you will receive EXP and Spirit rewards. Miss a single answer, though, and you fail the quiz. AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 Guild Contribution: 248 |
Time Limit10min. NPCFaction Monolith VII - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Award NPCFaction Monolith I - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith II - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith III - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith IV - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith V - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith VI - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith VII - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Faction Monolith VIII - "Faction Base" 401 704(3) Quest InfoLevel: 50+ Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |