Fireshell Stinger | |
DescriptionThe Sunchaser Temple Ruins are infested with monsters, but one stands out in particular. The Fireshell Stingers are very dangerous due to the fact that when they bite, their saliva is as hot as lava. I want them driven away to deter any further infestation. Head out and defeat 10 Fireshell Stingers. Required to doKill: Fireshell Stinger (98) Amount:10 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 60000 SP: 13560 Reputation: 0 SP: 13560 Prestige Gained 20 |
NPCEmissary of Corona - "Morai" 474 523(3) Award NPCEmissary of Corona - "Morai" 474 523(3) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |