Deceptive Faerie | |
DescriptionThe Deceptive Faeries surrounding the Corona camp are becoming hostile. Head out and dispatch of them immediately. However, be on your guard, these creatures only reveal their full form while attacking. Defeating 10 of the Deceptive Faeries might scare the rest away. Required to doKill: Deceptive Faerie (98) Amount:10 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 240000 SP: 54240 Reputation: 0 SP: 54240 Rate of "Library" quest: 5.00% Prestige Gained 40 |
NPCEmissary of Corona - "Morai" 474 523(3) Award NPCEmissary of Corona - "Morai" 474 523(3) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |