Shroud Needs Shards | |
DescriptionThe energy which Shroud depends on is in a crisis. To fuel our magic machines, we need a type of energy called Felforce. We have only a little left that we scavenged in the wasteland, but we need a lot more. I believe the malfunctioning constructs are dropping their Felforce Shards all over the place. Can you go scavenge for some down near the Sundial of Time? Bring me back five for now. Required to doGet: Harvest from: Felforce Shard AwardGold: 0 Exp: 60000 SP: 13560 Reputation: 0 SP: 13560 Prestige Gained 20 |
NPCEmissary of Shroud - "Morai" 446 584(4) Award NPCEmissary of Shroud - "Morai" 446 584(4) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |