Call to Duty: Qingzi | |
DescriptionDefeat Qingzi in the Hall of Deception with the help of your squad! 1. Do not switch squad leaders or leave the squad while this quest is active. 2. Squad members earn rewards after finishing this quest. Need Team membersLevel:29 - 49 Amount:0 - 5 Quest:Call to Duty: Qingzi Level:50 - 69 Amount:0 - 5 Quest:Call to Duty: Qingzi Level:70+ Amount:0 - 5 Quest:Call to Duty: Qingzi Level:1 - 28 Amount:0 - 5 Quest:Call to Duty Required items
Required to doKill: Qingzi (35) Amount:1 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 6000 SP: 1200 Reputation: 3 SP: 1200 Award for failed questGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 Items GroupAmount:1 |
Time Limit10H NPCPillar of Duty: Qingzi - "Hall of Deception" 396 544(33) Pillar of Duty: Qingzi - "Hall of Deception" 395 556(35) Quest InfoLevel: 29+ Recieve by Team Can't give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |