Exchange | |
Prev: Exchange |
Parent QuestDescriptionExchange 50 Silver Dragon Orders and 50 Copper Dragon Orders for a Violet Lightning mount. Required to doGet: Get: AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 Items GroupAmount:1 |
NPCDragon Herald - "World" 423 835(22) Dragon Herald - "World" 254 687(25) Dragon Herald - "World" 369 459(22) Dragon Herald - "World" 657 212(22) Award NPCDragon Herald - "World" 423 835(22) Dragon Herald - "World" 254 687(25) Dragon Herald - "World" 369 459(22) Dragon Herald - "World" 657 212(22) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable When fails, parent also fails Parent quest also success |