Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Items: Manteau
First Prev Shown 151-170 of 170
#   Name Level LV.
151 ☆☆Reborn Yama Mantle 100 15
152 ☆☆Reborn Yama Muffler 100 15
153 ☆☆Dreams of Champions 100 15
154 ☆☆Light of Champions 100 15
155 ☆☆Memento of Champions 100 16
156 ☆☆Reborn Yama Spaulders 100 15
157 ☆Clear Skies Manteau 107 12
158 ☆☆Clear Skies Manteau 107 12
159 ☆☆☆Clear Skies Manteau 107 12
160 0Supreme Manteau 110 13
161 0Nine Serenities Manteau 110 13
162 ☆Shining Mantle 117 13
163 ☆☆Shining Mantle 117 13
164 ☆☆☆Shining Mantle 117 13
165 ☆Dim Manteau 127 14
166 ☆☆Dim Manteau 127 14
167 ☆☆☆Dim Manteau 127 14
168 ☆Disastrous Manteau 137 15
169 ☆☆Disastrous Manteau 137 15
170 ☆☆☆Disastrous Manteau 137 15
First Prev Shown 151-170 of 170 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!