Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
☆Mane of Wild Stallions
Type: Armors
Subtype: Manteau / Manteau
Used by character(s): Yu Xia, Ye Ying, Hun Ling, Jian Ling, Yu Ling, Yu Mang, Xi Shou, Yao Shou, Yao Jing, Wu Shih, Fa Shih, Wu Xia
LV. 10
Dodge Rate 150
Level Required: 40

Price: 12.545 / 25.090
Stacked: 1

The grand prize for the Monthly Horse Race.
The mountain mist and the dust on the plains
rise to the breath of the creatures of creation.
One who dons this manteau will gain
the speed of the wild stallion.

Craft Rate with 3 socket(s): 100%

Drop rate with 3 socket(s): 100%

Destroyed to: 3 Immortal Stone

Award from quest

Sealed Chest (20+)
Unpacked Chest (20+)
five each child (0)
Siren's Heart (0)
Brainwave treasure box (0)

Harvest from

Monthly Horse Race Chest

Monthly Horse Race Chest

Monthly Horse Race Chest

Items Addons:


MDef +250

HP +80

Movement +0.1 m/sec. Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: Horse Race Cape Recipe

Piece of Heaven and Hell (1333)

Gold: 10.000.000

Probability to create: 100.00%

Alignment Emissary

World: 129 857 (38)

Alignment Emissary

World: 523 631 (23) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!