Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Holy-Moon Wings of Victory
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1

Can be exchanged for Achievement Run Manteaus.
(Holy-Moon Valley instance)
Take this to the Perfect Trade Official
in order to trade for a Manteau.

Award from quest

Very Perfect Pack (0)
. (0)
Lucky Coral (0)
Lucky Coral (0)
Rewarded (0)
Celestial Script (0)
Lottery 01 months 10-5 (0)
Perfect Scratch (0)
Perfect Scratch (0)
Heaven Spirit Cache (0)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆Moonstruck Windy Mantle (90)
Recipe: 2xPerfect HolyMoonDefManteau
Amount needed: 1

☆Moonstruck Silent Mantle (90)
Recipe: 2xPerfect HolyMoonMDefManteau
Amount needed: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!