Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Warsong Commander's Badge
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 10.000
Stacked: 1

Can be exchanged for a Warsong Baldric.
Take this to the Perfect Trade Official
in order to trade for a Warsong Baldric.

Award from quest

Very Perfect Pack (0)
Taiwan Lottery in Jan. 2010 (0)
Lucky Coral (0)
Lucky Coral (0)
10.1 months in Japan Lottery (0)
Rewarded (0)
Celestial Script (0)
Lottery 01 months 10-5 (0)
Lottery 02 months 10-5 (0)
Perfect Scratch (0)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆☆Warsong Rampart Alpha (80)
Recipe: 2xPerfect Warsong Baldric
Amount needed: 1

☆☆Warsong Jade Locket Alpha (80)
Recipe: 2xPerfect Warsong MDef Baldric
Amount needed: 1 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: n/a2016日本新彩票兑换07

GM Perfect·Token of Spirit (10)

Probability to create: 100.00%

GM JP New Lottery Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!