Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Qisha Token - Ming
Type: Basic Items

Price: 1 / 1
Stacked: 9999

A low-level Qisha Token.
Can be exchanged for items
at the Qisha Emissary.

Award from quest

Rotten Ghoul (25 - 30)
Ju Mang (31 - 40)
Helltree (35 - 40)
Elite Bone Archer (41 - 50)
Graverock Skeleton (45 - 50)
Elite Tiger Fighter (51 - 60)
Lion Centurion (51 - 60)
Elite Tiger Archer (51 - 60)
Wasteland Warrior (60 - 70)
Elite Stinger (60 - 70)

Show All Quests

Used in craft for following items

☆Sword of Burning Clouds (22)
Recipe: 库任务火云剑
Amount needed: 2

☆Blade of the Black Shade (42)
Recipe: 库任务玄阴刀
Amount needed: 5

☆Twin-Swallow Double Swords (30)
Recipe: 库任务双飞燕
Amount needed: 3

☆Heaven's Cry Fortune Blade (51)
Recipe: 库任务天叱宝刀
Amount needed: 6

☆Maul of the Black Depths (41)
Recipe: 库任务玄冥长锤
Amount needed: 5

☆Black Nest Demon-Felling Axe (22)
Recipe: 库任务黑巢降魔斧
Amount needed: 2

☆War Mace of the Mighty Wind (52)
Recipe: 库任务叱风战锤
Amount needed: 6

☆Howling War Axe (30)
Recipe: 库任务鬼啸战斧
Amount needed: 3

☆Claw of Thorns (30)
Recipe: 库任务荆棘刺
Amount needed: 3

☆Claw of the Lotus (50)
Recipe: 库任务芙蓉刺
Amount needed: 6

Show All recipes Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: 库任务低阶七杀令

Qisha Token - Xu

Probability to create: 100.00%

Qisha Emissary An

World: 550 635 (22)

Qisha Emissary An

World: 555 676 (23)

Qisha Emissary An

World: 667 370 (23) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!