- Fellowship's Fortitude - ▼ | |
Price: 0 / 87.091.200 Stacked: 1 Con +15 A scroll created at the Alchemy Room in the Clan HQ. Destroyed to: 3 Immortal Stone Items Addons:Amount:1 Constitution +15 |
Sold in
Name | Exists | Merit points required |
Alchemy Room Lv. 4 | Clan H.Q. - 367 704 (3) | 29030 |
Alchemy Room Lv. 5 | Clan H.Q. - 367 704 (3) | 29030 |
Alchemy Room Lv. 6 | Clan H.Q. - 367 704 (3) | 29030 |
Alchemy Room Lv. 7 | Clan H.Q. - 367 704 (3) | 29030 |
Alchemy Room Lv. 8 | Clan H.Q. - 367 704 (3) | 29030 |