Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
War Avatar Durability Pack
Unknown exp value???: 5

Price: 1 / 90.000.000
Stacked: 1000

Right click to open.
Contains a random S-B Durability Card or C card. Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Possible awards
# Name %
Lorelei 0.03
General Jen 0.03
Elder of the Streams 0.03
Feather Lord 0.03
Princess of Moonlight 0.03
Elven Priest Yuusa 0.03
Elder Star 0.03
Jane the Harper 0.03
Emperor Chigo 0.07
Vile Armor Master 0.07
Jian Ling Trainer 0.07
Shadow General Bitter Hatred 0.07
Chaotic Ravager 0.07
Primeval Elemental 0.07
Dimentora 0.07
Miss Chiu 0.07
King Kisian 0.07
Emissary of Corona 0.07
Yu Ling Trainer 0.07
Peach Tree Goddess 0.07
Archmage Kashu 1.00
Qingzi 1.00
Arch Serpent 1.00
Coredash 1.00
Deathflow 1.00
Tactician Mur 1.00
Drake Fling 1.00
Ancient Tigara 1.00
Knight of Terror 1.00
Wang Erhli 1.00
Mrs. Zoologist 1.00
Demonic Feligar 1.00
Emerald Qingfu 4.83
Verdant Qingfu 4.83
Jaden Qingfu 4.83
Chief Assassin 4.83
Gang Leader 4.83
Seaweed Thief 4.83
Seaspray Bladewolf 4.83
Araneid Cruelheart 4.83
Chipmunq Glutton 4.83
Decaying Cleavehand 4.83
Nivastok Shieldbearer 4.83
Malicious Cadevil 4.83
Headless Knight 4.83
Acephalic Rider 4.83
Araneid Sharpfang 4.83
Nivastok Brave 4.83
Gnosis Treerat 4.83
Dustwraith 4.83 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!