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☆☆☆Intoxicating Bemusement (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_法剑Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Bloodred Sunset (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_法轮Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Drunken Brotherhood (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_幡杖Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Mystic Lotus of the Worlds (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_法宝Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Fading Lantern (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_短杖Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Sunslayer (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_弓Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Mooncutting Purple Gold (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_匕首Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Sudden Success (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_双剑Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Courage of Kunlun (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_双斧Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Peach Tree Goddess (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_长锤Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Laugh Across the Divide (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_枪戟Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Cold Moon Flower Soul (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_双剑2Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Beryl Cloud Crossing (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_单刀Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Attain Buddhahood (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_拳套Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Flow Into Eternity (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_爪Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Flower Demon Rage (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_胧刀Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Bones of Withering Lovers (80) Recipe: N/A2014中级16品升级满属性_月镰Amount needed: 165
☆☆☆Intoxicating Bemusement (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_法剑Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Bloodred Sunset (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_法轮Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Drunken Brotherhood (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_幡杖Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Mystic Lotus of the Worlds (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_法宝Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Fading Lantern (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_短杖Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Sunslayer (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_弓Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Mooncutting Purple Gold (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_匕首Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Sudden Success (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_双剑Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Courage of Kunlun (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_双斧Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Peach Tree Goddess (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_长锤Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Laugh Across the Divide (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_枪戟Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Cold Moon Flower Soul (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_双剑2Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Beryl Cloud Crossing (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_单刀Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Attain Buddhahood (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_拳套Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Flow Into Eternity (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_爪Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Flower Demon Rage (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_胧刀Amount needed: 275
☆☆☆Bones of Withering Lovers (80) Recipe: n/a2015初级16品升级顶级_月镰Amount needed: 275
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Ruler's Sigil
Gold: 10.000
Probability to create: 100.00%
Tripod of Attendance
World: 551 675 (22)