Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Dim Mindcrusher Claw
Type: Books/Scrolls

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 0

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This Dim Mindcrusher Claw will disappear when the dimensional energy is altered.

Activate Task Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Lang Fang Tian 84 Treasure Grotto
433 533 (34)
No elements 2217974 8.3333
2 Blackblade Bandit 82 Treasure Grotto
376 573 (33)
No elements 1235170 4.1667
3 Bloodytooth 82 Treasure Grotto
390 549 (33)
Water, weak Earth 1271746 4.1667
4 Feng Yi Jian 80 Treasure Grotto
422 588 (33)
No elements 1166556 4.1667
5 Miserable Lin Yun 83 Treasure Grotto
433 533 (34)
No elements 1301064 4.1667 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!