Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Minor Homestead Supply Bag
Type: Books/Scrolls

Price: 0 / 0
Stacked: 0

Right-click to open and receive
5000 Deity Wood, 5000 Transition Crystal,
5000 Jadestone, 5000 Brocade and 2000 Cerise Gem.

Activate Task

Award from quest

Unique Reward: Lv2 Homestead (0)
Unique Reward: Lv4 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Unique Reward: Lv6 Homestead (0) Amount: 3
Unique Reward: Lv10 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Unique Reward: Lv14 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Unique Reward: Lv18 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Unique Reward: Lv24 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Unique Reward: Lv28 Homestead (0) Amount: 2
Homebound Joy Pack (0) Amount: 10 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!