Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Items: Ring
Types: Metal Ring, Gemstone Ring
First Prev Shown 251-287 of 287
#   Name Level LV.
251 ☆☆☆Immortal Warsong Ring 101 16
252 ☆☆☆Apocalypse Chime Ring 101 16
253 ☆☆☆Blood Oath Ring 101 16
254 ☆☆☆Oblivion Strike Ring 101 16
255 ☆☆☆Enduring Renewal Ring 101 16
256 ☆Ring of You Zhen 105 13
257 ☆Nirvana Ring 105 13
258 ☆Ring of the Demon-Lord's Power 105 13
259 ☆Precepts of the Fae Secrets 105 13
260 ☆Fen Yang Ring 108 12
261 ☆Dark-Sky Ring 108 12
262 ☆☆Fen Yang Ring 108 12
263 ☆☆Dark-Sky Ring 108 12
264 ☆☆☆Fen Yang Ring 108 12
265 ☆☆☆Dark-Sky Ring 108 12
266 0seven instructs abstention 115 13
267 0abstention about fighting 115 13
268 ☆Heaven and Earth's Promise 115 14
269 ☆Entropy of the World 115 14
270 ☆True-Word Ring 118 13
271 ☆Demon-Sky Ring 118 13
272 ☆☆True-Word Ring 118 13
273 ☆☆Demon-Sky Ring 118 13
274 ☆☆☆True-Word Ring 118 13
275 ☆☆☆Demon-Sky Ring 118 13
276 ☆Thousand-Buddha Ring 128 14
277 ☆Heaven-Slaying Ring 128 14
278 ☆☆Heaven-Slaying Ring 128 14
279 ☆☆Thousand-Buddha Ring 128 14
280 ☆☆☆Heaven-Slaying Ring 128 14
281 ☆☆☆Thousand-Buddha Ring 128 14
282 ☆Sky-Rebellion Ring 138 15
283 ☆Sage Ring 138 15
284 ☆☆Sage Ring 138 15
285 ☆☆Sky-Rebellion Ring 138 15
286 ☆☆☆Sage Ring 138 15
287 ☆☆☆Sky-Rebellion Ring 138 15
First Prev Shown 251-287 of 287 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!