Friend's Trust | |
DescriptionThe old chief of Sumor Camp asked Hsu Hsiako to collect Antitan Soldier Eggs. One year later, he spotted tracecs of them in the Valley of the Hidden Orchid . Required to doGet: Drop from: Killer Bee Soldier (36) Rate:100% AwardGold: 120 Exp: 12000 SP: 2712 Reputation: 0 SP: 2712 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCXu Xiake - "World" 587 567(24) Xu Xiake - "World" 24 1(22) Award NPCXu Xiake - "World" 587 567(24) Xu Xiake - "World" 24 1(22) Quest InfoLevel: 36 - 41 Can give up Repeatable after failure |