Death Hunting | |
DescriptionTown of Arrivals Pharmacist has asked you to kill 10 Taurox Sharpshooters to the northeast of the Town of Arrivals. Required to doKill: Evil Ox Archer (46) Amount:10 AwardGold: 246 Exp: 24610 SP: 5562 Reputation: 0 SP: 5562 Items GroupAmount:1 Chosen randomly
NPCPharmacist Bi He - "World" 118 642(53) Pharmacist Bi He - "World" 54 3(22) Award NPCPharmacist Bi He - "World" 118 642(53) Pharmacist Bi He - "World" 54 3(22) Quest InfoLevel: 47 - 52 Can give up Repeatable after failure |