Flower Dryad | |
DescriptionSome of the Elders of the Qisha Alliance have been affected by a strange ailment. It is said that the cure for this ailment is the Flower Dryad's nectar. Would you be so kind as to?... Hunt 10 Flower Dryads in Hell's Arcadia in Hell and collect 10 jars of Dryad Nectar. Required to doGet: Drop from: Flower Dryad (101) Rate:100% AwardGold: 0 Exp: 37125 SP: 8465 Reputation: 0 SP: 8465 |
NPCQisha Emissary Xu - "World" 550 635(22) Qisha Emissary Xu - "World" 555 676(23) Qisha Emissary Xu - "World" 667 370(23) Award NPCQisha Emissary Xu - "World" 550 635(22) Qisha Emissary Xu - "World" 555 676(23) Qisha Emissary Xu - "World" 667 370(23) Quest InfoLevel: 101+ Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |