Div. Contract·Parasitic Fungi | |
DescriptionSometimes unconscious criminals perhaps more frightening ... I said [Polyp Broodmother], these villains from birth sojourn in biology, and then wait for an opportunity to get rid of the parent Instead, no natural predators, their numbers growing morethis case by the containment ah, get containment by you. Required to doKill: Polyp Broodmother (98) Amount:10 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 150000 SP: 13560 Reputation: 0 SP: 13560 Earned 30 Force Glory |
NPCResplendent Qisha Emissary - "Morai" 474 523(3) Award NPCResplendent Qisha Emissary - "Morai" 474 523(3) Quest InfoLevel: 95+ Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |