Div. Contract·Cactus Nectar | |
Description[La Manda] Winged Invertebrate birds of a feather, and evil is not less than the latter. Fortunately, we have some solution: start from their strange habits. If enough [Ice crown him in La Manda], we will be able to know the weaknesses of these organisms in which. Required to doGet: Drop from: La Manda (104) Rate:80% AwardGold: 0 Exp: 150000 SP: 13560 Reputation: 0 SP: 13560 Earned 30 Force Glory |
NPCResplendent Qisha Emissary - "Morai" 474 523(3) Award NPCResplendent Qisha Emissary - "Morai" 474 523(3) Quest InfoLevel: 95+ Quest from "Library" Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |