Retry the Test (Lead) | |
DescriptionThere is a Source Stone corresponding to a region on each side of the Trigram. Once a stone is taken, the party member will be transported to the appropriate region. Your objective is to activate all the Firey-Ice Bead and light up the Wild Visions. When you have done so, speak with Wei Zhiqing and the sisters will allow you to meet the Three Emperors. Need Team membersLevel:0 Amount:0 Quest:Retry the Test (Member) AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 |
NPCWei Zhilan - "The Forsaken Chamber" 362 570(28) Automatic started at pointWorld: Autosuccess Quest InfoLevel: 95+ Recieve by Team Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |