Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
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This sword was called Devouring sword, because it can absorb beheaded after Wraith Wraith Essence to continue to accumulate, the power of the sword will be more powerful. Former sword can cut to kill the evil Devouring, but also because of the accumulation of powerful force Wraith.      Now just recast Devouring sword strength is still weak, need to be beheaded enough Wraith, Wraith allowed to fully absorb the essence, the real power in order to play it. Bring Devouring sword, go Wraith swamp slaughter it.


Gold: 1.200

Exp: 120000

SP: 27120

Reputation: 0

SP: 27120


Huo Sang - "World" 538 417(22)

Reqiured Quests

recast Devouring Sword

Quest Info

Level: 67 - 77

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure


--- (First)

Wraith Essence Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!