Digging Gold and Treasures | |
Prev: Evil-decease Slayer Next: Accepted Entrust
Parent QuestDescriptionNear Yuwang Slope, there's an ancient tree pasted with lots of curse spells. Recently, Gu Bugs keep appearing on the tree, therefore the nearby villagers issued an Entrust Quest to eliminate those Gu Bugs. Pick 5 Gu Bugs and give them to Jones, and then collect your reward. Required to doGet: Harvest from: Wraith Gu AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 |
Award NPCJones - "World" 422 836(22) Jones - "World" 256 690(24) Jones - "World" 368 461(22) Quest InfoLevel: 0 Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable When fails, parent also fails Parent quest also success |