Lantern-making | |
DescriptionTo make an Ethereal Lantern, the female team leader must gather 4 Fine Gauze to make the lantern window. Male team members must collect 15 Seraphic Rotwoodsand 6 Cherry Blossom Petals. You can get Fine Gauze from the Force Loom besides Tailor Lien. Need Team membersLevel:30+ Amount:1 Quest:Lantern-making(member) Required to doGet: Harvest from: Primal Textile Machine AwardGold: 0 Exp: 25 SP: 5 Reputation: 0 SP: 5 Items GroupAmount:1 |
NPCSnowie - "World" 643 566(22) Award NPCQuest InfoLevel: 30+ Recieve by Team Can give up Repeatable after failure Repeatable |