The Iron Flood | |
DescriptionUse the Tyrant Army Ballista to kill 15 Shoka Monstrosities outside the Lord Tyrant's Fortress. Required to doEffect: Casts Level 1 V Boundary Monster Transform on the target. Kill: Shoka Monstrosity (150) Amount:15 Quest Zone: (quest will fail if character will leave this square zone) a68??? Bottom Left Point: 335/40 Upper Right Point: 355/43 AwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 Items GroupAmount:1
NPCTyrant Army Double Agent - "a68???" 342 612(42) Award NPCReqiured QuestsQuest InfoLevel: 100+ Can give up Repeatable after failure Fails when player dies |