Cheer for the World Cup! | |
Next: The first round |
DescriptionYou can join in our game with a certificate for World Cup! There is no time limit and can not be rejoined of you have passed it. Before you start, make sure to leave a case in your package so that you can have the chance to get our prize for you. Quest Time2006/6/7 19:30 - 2006/6/30 23:59 2006/7/1 - 2006/7/10 23:59 Required items
Required to doAwardGold: 0 Exp: 0 SP: 0 Reputation: 0 SP: 0 |
NPCXu Xiake - "World" 587 567(24) Xu Xiake - "World" 24 1(22) Quest InfoLevel: 20+ Can give up Repeatable after failure |