Lucky Star ▼ | |
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Type: Books/Scrolls
Price: 0 / 0 Stacked: 0 Lucky star prevalent in Perfect World. Right click to receive a marvelous surprise. Requisite Lv.: 90 Activate Task Award from questỈWanted No.16 (90+)ỉWanted No.15 (90+) |
Drop from
# | Name | Level | Exists | Element | Life | % |
1 | Leaf Rain Dryad | 150 | Abaddon 356 543 (16) |
No elements | 1050510 | 8.0039 |
2 | Harpy Wraith | 150 | - | No elements | 2052758 | 5.0705 |
3 | Demontorch Marauder | 100 | Seat of Torment 396 546 (61) |
Wood, weak Metal | 2531982 | 4.3548 |
4 | Horned Thunderclap | 100 | Abaddon 402 516 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 2531982 | 4.3548 |
5 | Peachblossom Ritualist | 105 | Abaddon 442 511 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 4720510 | 4.3521 |
6 | Monoblat Dracoboa | 102 | Abaddon 382 528 (17) |
Fire, weak Water | 2649511 | 4.3432 |
7 | Mountain's Finger | 103 | Abaddon 412 525 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 2709570 | 4.3432 |
8 | The Haunted Headless | 103 | Abaddon 354 504 (16) |
No elements | 2709570 | 4.3432 |
9 | Demonic Vexation | 91 | Brimstone Pit 414 550 (26) |
, weak Fire | 1932176 | 4.0000 |
10 | Ethereal Abomination | 93 | Brimstone Pit 417 593 (26) |
No elements | 3383317 | 4.0000 |
11 | Ethereal Abomination | 93 | Brimstone Pit 417 593 (26) |
No elements | 3383317 | 4.0000 |
12 | Fats | 92 | Brimstone Pit 383 589 (29) |
No elements | 2029990 | 4.0000 |
13 | Gaurnob Cloister Guard | 102 | Abaddon 443 544 (16) |
, weak Fire | 2649511 | 4.0000 |
14 | Ninetails | 92 | Eden 418 593 (27) |
Fire, weak Water | 2029990 | 4.0000 |
15 | Phlebo | 93 | Eden 381 591 (29) |
Earth, weak Wood | 3383317 | 4.0000 |
16 | Suicidal Mass | 101 | Seat of Torment 432 563 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 2649511 | 4.0000 |
17 | Thom Mundan | 102 | Abaddon 434 563 (16) |
Fire, weak Water | 2649511 | 4.0000 |
18 | Thousand Year Spirit | 91 | Eden 413 550 (27) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1932176 | 4.0000 |
19 | Voidweaver | 101 | Seat of Torment 380 573 (61) |
No elements | 2590317 | 4.0000 |
20 | Legion General: Darkwings | 150 | - | No elements | 8000000 | 3.3333 |
21 | Wraith Drakeri Commander | 100 | World 144 969 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 719313 | 3.3333 |
22 | Wraith Gwai Commander | 90 | World 144 823 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 566620 | 3.3333 |
23 | Wraith Petali Commander | 90 | World 177 861 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 566620 | 3.3333 |
24 | Wraith Visplume Commander | 90 | World 681 617 (30) |
Water, weak Earth | 566620 | 3.3333 |
25 | Phlebo | 93 | Eden 381 591 (29) |
Earth, weak Wood | 3383317 | 3.1321 |
26 | Icewind Chief | 150 | ChronoWorld 439 603 (32) |
No elements | 9733 | 2.1515 |
27 | Icewind Scout | 150 | ChronoWorld 475 590 (32) |
Water, weak Earth | 9280 | 2.1013 |
28 | Icewind Warrior | 150 | ChronoWorld 449 588 (25) |
No elements | 10805 | 2.0968 |
29 | Avalanche Crusher | 150 | ChronoWorld 485 584 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 10284 | 2.0846 |
30 | Catacomb Dragon | 72 | Twilight Temple 368 551 (8) |
No elements | 456660 | 1.9322 |
31 | Catacomb Phantom | 80 | Twilight Temple 368 553 (8) |
No elements | 206583 | 1.9305 |
32 | Icewind Grunt | 150 | ChronoWorld 458 595 (25) |
No elements | 11896 | 1.8158 |
33 | Icewind Crossbowman | 150 | ChronoWorld 449 588 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 10561 | 1.8097 |
34 | Ancient Null Gate | 100 | World 488 245 (24) |
Water, weak Earth | 949493 | 1.3437 |
35 | Ancient Star Gate | 100 | - | No elements | 949493 | 1.3437 |
36 | Ancient Star Gate Snow | 100 | - | Water, weak Earth | 949493 | 1.3437 |
37 | Archer Statue | 90 | Morai 221 518 (3) |
, weak Fire | 91554 | 1.3437 |
38 | Crimsonfin Warrior | 90 | Morai 261 585 (4) |
Earth, weak Wood | 38999 | 1.3437 |
39 | Dire Buzzard | 90 | Morai 263 518 (7) |
, weak Fire | 38999 | 1.3437 |
40 | Glimmering Specter | 90 | Morai 266 506 (3) |
, weak Fire | 38999 | 1.3437 |
41 | Greenclam Warrior | 90 | - | Fire, weak Water | 38999 | 1.3437 |
42 | Grosh Gnosis | 100 | Temple of the Dragon 425 577 (15) |
No elements | 42200 | 1.3437 |
43 | Guard·Ancient Star Gate | 100 | World 482 266 (15) |
No elements | 949493 | 1.3437 |
44 | Penguin King | 100 | - | Water, weak Earth | 949493 | 1.3437 |
45 | Penguin Queen | 100 | - | Water, weak Earth | 949493 | 1.3437 |
46 | Plague Flower | 90 | Morai 326 516 (13) |
Wood, weak Metal | 38999 | 1.3437 |
47 | Qinghua, Maker of Lightning | 100 | Lothranis 406 602 (22) |
No elements | 1054993 | 1.3437 |
48 | Raccoon Ninja | 150 | --- 374 506 (31) |
No elements | 19342 | 1.3437 |
49 | Wraith Statue | 90 | Morai 219 520 (3) |
Fire, weak Water | 91554 | 1.3437 |
50 | Dharma Perditioner | 100 | Momaganon 467 537 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 56970 | 1.3272 |
51 | Pilgrim of Dharma | 100 | Lothranis 428 612 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 69630 | 1.3272 |
52 | Wandering Demonic One | 100 | Momaganon 479 566 (26) |
No elements | 56970 | 1.3272 |
53 | Avalanche Nomad | 150 | ChronoWorld 463 627 (25) |
No elements | 13056 | 1.3112 |
54 | Feline Prankster | 102 | Abaddon 422 512 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 225341 | 1.2965 |
55 | Infernal Herculon | 103 | Seat of Torment 438 566 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1344260 | 1.2934 |
56 | Peachrider Slave | 110 | Lothranis 343 512 (26) |
Wood, weak Metal | 361477 | 1.2928 |
57 | Cetaceaner | 100 | Momaganon 460 520 (25) |
No elements | 237373 | 1.2891 |
58 | Eidomas Specter | 112 | Warsong City 415 584 (56) |
, weak Fire | 290180 | 1.2864 |
59 | Eido, Celestial Incarnate | 107 | Lothranis 352 508 (19) |
No elements | 66568 | 1.2846 |
60 | Celestial Clang | 102 | Lothranis 363 598 (19) |
Fire, weak Water | 59614 | 1.2827 |
61 | Ghastly Terrorclaw | 102 | Seat of Torment 364 587 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 690893 | 1.2814 |
62 | Ancestral Spiritguide | 102 | Seat of Torment 383 595 (61) |
, weak Fire | 690893 | 1.2805 |
63 | Waterwing Hammersmith | 97 | Momaganon 321 492 (51) |
Water, weak Earth | 53146 | 1.2800 |
64 | Pinna Thundergod | 97 | Lothranis 420 592 (27) |
, weak Fire | 53146 | 1.2791 |
65 | Lantern Master | 110 | Lothranis 338 627 (36) |
Fire, weak Water | 1314461 | 1.2790 |
66 | Celestial Eidoplate | 108 | Lothranis 331 530 (19) |
, weak Fire | 68019 | 1.2783 |
67 | Aquatic Heliac | 100 | Temple of the Dragon 419 536 (20) |
Water, weak Earth | 37980 | 1.2754 |
68 | Dragon Infanta | 100 | - | No elements | 37980 | 1.2754 |
69 | Dragon Seed | 100 | - | Water, weak Earth | 37980 | 1.2754 |
70 | Pyronume Wisp | 108 | Warsong City 410 520 (55) |
Fire, weak Water | 266633 | 1.2732 |
71 | Insatiable Lust | 109 | Warsong City 405 522 (57) |
Fire, weak Water | 272399 | 1.2715 |
72 | Convulsing Demon | 99 | Momaganon 470 514 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 68049 | 1.2676 |
73 | Demoneido Messenger | 99 | Lothranis 437 610 (26) |
, weak Fire | 55676 | 1.2676 |
74 | Ling Feng, Ethereal Form | 97 | World 267 965 (24) |
, weak Fire | 246049 | 1.2672 |
75 | Barksteel Dryad | 88 | Morai 391 577 (8) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
76 | Blizzard King Effigy | 98 | World 370 998 (23) |
No elements | 50372 | 1.2662 |
77 | Cryofly | 88 | - | Water, weak Earth | 36125 | 1.2662 |
78 | Deceptive Faerie | 88 | Morai 470 532 (7) |
Water, weak Earth | 36125 | 1.2662 |
79 | Defense Construct | 88 | Morai 321 517 (13) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
80 | Dragonscale Landshark | 88 | Morai 381 583 (7) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
81 | Fireshell Stinger | 88 | Morai 326 506 (13) |
Fire, weak Water | 36125 | 1.2662 |
82 | Ghost Bat | 88 | Morai 392 542 (13) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
83 | Hadean Bat | 88 | Morai 321 551 (8) |
Fire, weak Water | 36125 | 1.2662 |
84 | Hadean Spirit | 88 | Morai 357 541 (4) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
85 | Hellish Bat | 88 | Morai 284 572 (14) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
86 | Iceshell Stinger | 88 | Morai 324 585 (7) |
Water, weak Earth | 36125 | 1.2662 |
87 | Iridescent Beetle | 88 | Morai 283 572 (12) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
88 | Lion Hornet | 88 | Morai 318 589 (7) |
Fire, weak Water | 36125 | 1.2662 |
89 | Nightmare Shadow | 88 | Morai 386 523 (9) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
90 | Noctilucent | 88 | Morai 319 555 (4) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
91 | Parasitic Fungus | 88 | Morai 489 543 (8) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
92 | Patrol Construct | 88 | Morai 397 519 (5) |
Fire, weak Water | 36125 | 1.2662 |
93 | Rakshasa Deathlord | 88 | Morai 419 578 (1) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
94 | Regolith | 88 | Morai 424 558 (6) |
Earth, weak Wood | 36125 | 1.2662 |
95 | Sadistic Wraithguard | 88 | Morai 333 578 (3) |
No elements | 36125 | 1.2662 |
96 | Sleep Fungus | 88 | Morai 444 514 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 36125 | 1.2662 |
97 | Valiant Mastiff | 88 | Morai 235 545 (3) |
Fire, weak Water | 36125 | 1.2662 |
98 | Virulent Wraithguard | 88 | Morai 333 578 (3) |
No elements | 36125 | 1.2662 |
99 | Warrior Slave | 88 | Morai 215 520 (3) |
Earth, weak Wood | 36125 | 1.2662 |
100 | Winged Immortal | 88 | Morai 442 513 (5) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
101 | Wizard Slave | 88 | Morai 215 520 (3) |
, weak Fire | 36125 | 1.2662 |
102 | Feline Trickster | 102 | Abaddon 420 515 (17) |
No elements | 275417 | 1.2641 |
103 | Widowmaker | 108 | Warsong City 404 523 (57) |
No elements | 325885 | 1.2622 |
104 | Demoneido Hexxer | 98 | Momaganon 487 515 (48) |
, weak Fire | 54402 | 1.2615 |
105 | Peachyard Sprite | 103 | Abaddon 428 521 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 230449 | 1.2575 |
106 | Celestial Patrol | 98 | Lothranis 453 615 (19) |
No elements | 66491 | 1.2570 |
107 | Ironite Demon | 98 | Momaganon 467 499 (26) |
Fire, weak Water | 54402 | 1.2570 |
108 | Peachy Hopnu | 102 | Abaddon 392 549 (16) |
No elements | 225341 | 1.2497 |
109 | Phoenix Violator | 108 | Lothranis 346 498 (31) |
Water, weak Earth | 68019 | 1.2497 |
110 | Wereraven Elite | 107 | Momaganon 386 620 (35) |
Wood, weak Metal | 66568 | 1.2492 |
111 | Celestial Protector | 101 | Lothranis 411 621 (20) |
No elements | 71234 | 1.2476 |
112 | Guardian of Demons | 101 | Momaganon 434 572 (27) |
No elements | 58282 | 1.2476 |
113 | Firemane Leopardis | 104 | Lothranis 319 609 (21) |
No elements | 76189 | 1.2455 |
114 | Davey Jones' Liason | 110 | Momaganon 334 597 (26) |
No elements | 70981 | 1.2454 |
115 | Succubus Whipster | 103 | Momaganon 443 593 (28) |
Fire, weak Water | 60965 | 1.2454 |
116 | Malefic Penetrator | 102 | Seat of Torment 375 561 (61) |
No elements | 690893 | 1.2452 |
117 | Peachyard Charmaiden | 102 | Abaddon 355 501 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 225341 | 1.2452 |
118 | Peachyard Maiden | 102 | Abaddon 351 504 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 225341 | 1.2452 |
119 | Snowpeach Dranite | 102 | Abaddon 361 539 (16) |
No elements | 225341 | 1.2452 |
120 | Light Pursuer | 85 | Morai 217 588 (3) |
Water, weak Earth | 31754 | 1.2447 |
121 | Necrotic Fungus | 85 | - | No elements | 31754 | 1.2447 |
122 | Nivastok Shaman Templar | 95 | World 252 1008 (22) |
, weak Fire | 234684 | 1.2447 |
123 | Unstable Luminescence | 85 | Morai 229 539 (3) |
Water, weak Earth | 31754 | 1.2447 |
124 | Passions Messenger | 97 | Lothranis 436 600 (19) |
Water, weak Earth | 53146 | 1.2439 |
125 | Aging Harpy | 108 | Momaganon 341 572 (48) |
Water, weak Earth | 68019 | 1.2432 |
126 | Radiant Wing Demon | 109 | Momaganon 341 572 (48) |
, weak Fire | 69490 | 1.2432 |
127 | Blizzard King | 110 | World 307 933 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 1314461 | 1.2419 |
128 | Blizzard King | 150 | - | No elements | 1296738 | 1.2419 |
129 | Gaurnob Hellion | 109 | Momaganon 358 628 (26) |
No elements | 84932 | 1.2411 |
130 | Plumpfish Mermaid | 105 | Lothranis 478 623 (18) |
Water, weak Earth | 77888 | 1.2383 |
131 | Unjust Sharpshooter | 105 | Momaganon 489 589 (47) |
, weak Fire | 63727 | 1.2383 |
132 | Infernal Ape | 96 | Momaganon 416 510 (27) |
Earth, weak Wood | 63445 | 1.2379 |
133 | Somniphoric Messenger | 96 | Lothranis 452 595 (19) |
Water, weak Earth | 51910 | 1.2379 |
134 | Collector of Souls | 109 | Lothranis 337 483 (19) |
No elements | 84932 | 1.2367 |
135 | Garnet Terror | 106 | Momaganon 449 610 (29) |
No elements | 79612 | 1.2359 |
136 | Celestial Ninetail | 106 | Lothranis 355 565 (20) |
Water, weak Earth | 79612 | 1.2352 |
137 | Bane of the Divine | 110 | 367 534 (37) |
Wood, weak Metal | 278245 | 1.2341 |
138 | Enticing Demise | 110 | Warsong City 406 536 (56) |
Wood, weak Metal | 278245 | 1.2341 |
139 | Hellbound Cenequus | 110 | Momaganon 320 614 (27) |
No elements | 86754 | 1.2341 |
140 | Punished Apostle | 110 | 372 549 (37) |
, weak Fire | 278245 | 1.2341 |
141 | Thunderbolt Apostle | 110 | Warsong City 401 564 (56) |
, weak Fire | 278245 | 1.2341 |
142 | Wispy Thunderclap | 110 | Warsong City 401 565 (56) |
Water, weak Earth | 278245 | 1.2341 |
143 | Blazing Demonsword | 96 | Momaganon 461 484 (26) |
No elements | 51910 | 1.2335 |
144 | Styren Champion | 96 | Lothranis 473 581 (20) |
No elements | 63445 | 1.2335 |
145 | Shade Plume | 110 | Momaganon 362 580 (34) |
No elements | 70981 | 1.2323 |
146 | Styren General | 106 | Lothranis 342 582 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 79612 | 1.2323 |
147 | Fist of the Sands | 107 | Momaganon 407 622 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 81361 | 1.2309 |
148 | Armageddon Beast | 87 | - | Earth, weak Wood | 34662 | 1.2308 |
149 | Nightstalker Adalwolf | 87 | Morai 241 549 (4) |
, weak Fire | 34662 | 1.2308 |
150 | Raywing | 110 | Lothranis 379 481 (35) |
No elements | 70981 | 1.2297 |
151 | Prismatic One | 112 | Warsong City 430 579 (56) |
Earth, weak Wood | 290180 | 1.2283 |
152 | Wanton Guard | 112 | 389 554 (37) |
No elements | 290180 | 1.2283 |
153 | Wispy Satryn | 112 | Warsong City 380 587 (56) |
Wood, weak Metal | 354664 | 1.2283 |
154 | Immortal Spikewing | 110 | Lothranis 343 461 (19) |
No elements | 70981 | 1.2264 |
155 | Devilish Specter | 95 | Momaganon 426 486 (27) |
, weak Fire | 61957 | 1.2258 |
156 | Pumot | 100 | World 121 421 (52) |
No elements | 263748 | 1.2235 |
157 | Celestial Specter | 95 | Lothranis 442 538 (19) |
, weak Fire | 50692 | 1.2215 |
158 | Immolation Queen | 110 | Lothranis 340 616 (31) |
Fire, weak Water | 1314461 | 1.2215 |
159 | Styren Maiden | 95 | Lothranis 478 570 (20) |
Wood, weak Metal | 50692 | 1.2215 |
160 | Bogey Mermaiden | 102 | Momaganon 495 469 (24) |
Water, weak Earth | 1103963 | 1.2204 |
161 | Purgatory Sage | 102 | Lothranis 478 628 (18) |
Water, weak Earth | 1103963 | 1.2204 |
162 | Glacial Maiden | 94 | World 167 1006 (22) |
No elements | 44254 | 1.2186 |
163 | Ice Wolf | 94 | World 156 949 (22) |
No elements | 44254 | 1.2186 |
164 | Icebreaker Antitan | 94 | World 225 980 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 44254 | 1.2186 |
165 | Lethal Araneid Sharpfang | 94 | World 304 966 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 44254 | 1.2186 |
166 | Nightspike Cavalier | 94 | World 279 938 (14) |
Water, weak Earth | 44254 | 1.2186 |
167 | Dreaded Behemoth | 108 | 379 522 (37) |
Wood, weak Metal | 266633 | 1.2162 |
168 | Fallen Guardian of the Matrix | 101 | - | No elements | 242842 | 1.2139 |
169 | Hammerhand Patriarch | 101 | Seat of Torment 398 529 (61) |
No elements | 621803 | 1.2139 |
170 | Hedonistic Apostle | 91 | Lothranis 476 476 (20) |
Fire, weak Water | 46003 | 1.2137 |
171 | Desert Bandit | 104 | World 94 302 (52) |
Earth, weak Wood | 65883 | 1.2136 |
172 | Desert Bowman | 104 | World 94 356 (52) |
, weak Fire | 65883 | 1.2136 |
173 | Evil Mimong Harpy | 100 | - | Water, weak Earth | 52750 | 1.2136 |
174 | Leader of the Sand Bandits | 104 | World 149 295 (52) |
Earth, weak Wood | 65883 | 1.2136 |
175 | Manradah | 94 | Morai 386 511 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 44254 | 1.2136 |
176 | Mimong Flamen | 100 | - | , weak Fire | 47475 | 1.2136 |
177 | Shen Fu, the Bloodlusted | 100 | Momaganon 445 613 (29) |
No elements | 1054993 | 1.2136 |
178 | Winged Distress | 100 | - | , weak Fire | 47475 | 1.2136 |
179 | Magus of the Plume | 118 | Lothranis 351 487 (19) |
No elements | 348599 | 1.2134 |
180 | Bedlam Reveler | 111 | 375 539 (37) |
Earth, weak Wood | 347321 | 1.2117 |
181 | Fallen Bodhisattva | 111 | 377 536 (37) |
Water, weak Earth | 347321 | 1.2117 |
182 | Wispy Apostle | 111 | Warsong City 373 580 (56) |
Water, weak Earth | 347321 | 1.2117 |
183 | Wispy Ethera | 111 | Warsong City 432 577 (56) |
No elements | 347321 | 1.2117 |
184 | Wispy Ethermaid | 111 | Warsong City 430 549 (56) |
Water, weak Earth | 284172 | 1.2117 |
185 | Demon Falchion | 94 | Momaganon 379 477 (25) |
, weak Fire | 60491 | 1.2106 |
186 | Styren Claw Guard | 94 | Lothranis 455 562 (19) |
No elements | 60491 | 1.2106 |
187 | Tainted Succubus | 94 | Momaganon 376 508 (25) |
Fire, weak Water | 60491 | 1.2106 |
188 | Thundersoul Beast | 94 | Lothranis 435 522 (19) |
Water, weak Earth | 49492 | 1.2106 |
189 | Ethereal Wisp King | 113 | - | No elements | 362107 | 1.2097 |
190 | Wispy Plummage | 113 | Warsong City 434 586 (57) |
No elements | 296270 | 1.2097 |
191 | Kugulu Taskmaster | 90 | World 254 490 (31) |
Wood, weak Metal | 207761 | 1.2094 |
192 | Meed Apostle | 93 | Lothranis 472 526 (26) |
Wood, weak Metal | 48311 | 1.2064 |
193 | Demonic Herculeon | 93 | Momaganon 377 500 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 59047 | 1.2023 |
194 | Etherocelot Guard | 93 | Lothranis 461 527 (19) |
, weak Fire | 59047 | 1.2023 |
195 | Defiant Succbus | 109 | 375 528 (37) |
Fire, weak Water | 272399 | 1.1966 |
196 | Pet of Heaven | 109 | Warsong City 404 524 (57) |
Wood, weak Metal | 272399 | 1.1966 |
197 | Beast of Demonic Assault | 92 | Momaganon 331 513 (25) |
Wood, weak Metal | 57626 | 1.1958 |
198 | Bodybag Scorcher | 92 | Momaganon 361 487 (27) |
Fire, weak Water | 47148 | 1.1958 |
199 | Tetrono | 105 | World 151 507 (20) |
Water, weak Earth | 295032 | 1.1937 |
200 | Debaucherous Reveler | 90 | World 162 922 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 207761 | 1.1918 |
201 | Bewitching Beauty | 92 | Lothranis 458 516 (19) |
Wood, weak Metal | 47148 | 1.1917 |
202 | Crimson Flametalon | 95 | World 199 426 (54) |
, weak Fire | 234684 | 1.1902 |
203 | Demonic Souling | 91 | Momaganon 349 499 (25) |
No elements | 46003 | 1.1812 |
204 | Soulcough Demon | 91 | Momaganon 358 518 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 46003 | 1.1812 |
205 | Thundersprite Demon | 94 | Lothranis 436 532 (21) |
, weak Fire | 206218 | 1.1789 |
206 | Stoney Boogins | 91 | World 230 880 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 40385 | 1.1695 |
207 | Zunbao | 99 | Lothranis 432 611 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1031041 | 1.1665 |
208 | Cloudclawwer | 103 | Lothranis 336 608 (21) |
No elements | 254022 | 1.1649 |
209 | Demonic Incarnate | 110 | 367 531 (37) |
Fire, weak Water | 278245 | 1.1592 |
210 | Styx the Malefic | 99 | Momaganon 387 480 (27) |
, weak Fire | 1031041 | 1.1575 |
211 | Laurel Giant | 110 | Momaganon 438 527 (27) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1314461 | 1.1569 |
212 | Francis Deluge | 120 | Momaganon 319 591 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 362702 | 1.1559 |
213 | Assault Construct | 92 | Morai 492 575 (7) |
Wood, weak Metal | 41725 | 1.1558 |
214 | Coiled Wyvern | 91 | Morai 339 548 (7) |
Fire, weak Water | 40385 | 1.1558 |
215 | Crimsonfin Bull | 150 | Morai 262 587 (4) |
Earth, weak Wood | 93228 | 1.1558 |
216 | Derjan's Ancient Hatchling | 101 | Morai 362 543 (1) |
Water, weak Earth | 66803 | 1.1558 |
217 | Devilflame Flower | 92 | Morai 286 541 (6) |
Fire, weak Water | 41725 | 1.1558 |
218 | Fiendish Buzzard | 150 | Morai 262 516 (8) |
, weak Fire | 93228 | 1.1558 |
219 | Fire Eater | 93 | Morai 343 553 (7) |
Fire, weak Water | 43013 | 1.1558 |
220 | Fossil Dino | 93 | Morai 350 529 (10) |
Water, weak Earth | 43013 | 1.1558 |
221 | Gray Rhino | 93 | Morai 250 567 (6) |
Wood, weak Metal | 43013 | 1.1558 |
222 | Hammer Bat | 91 | Morai 347 556 (7) |
Wood, weak Metal | 40385 | 1.1558 |
223 | Headless Sin | 111 | 375 539 (37) |
No elements | 284172 | 1.1558 |
224 | Rakshasa Concubine | 91 | Morai 425 578 (2) |
, weak Fire | 40385 | 1.1558 |
225 | Thunder Rhino | 93 | Morai 218 541 (3) |
Earth, weak Wood | 43013 | 1.1558 |
226 | Venom Shadow | 150 | Morai 213 517 (4) |
, weak Fire | 155380 | 1.1558 |
227 | Wraithborn Lich | 150 | Morai 341 568 (6) |
, weak Fire | 246803 | 1.1558 |
228 | Demonic Gaurnob Axeman | 112 | 379 559 (37) |
No elements | 354664 | 1.1541 |
229 | Garnet Wrathand | 112 | 377 561 (37) |
No elements | 354664 | 1.1541 |
230 | Mimong Remnant | 113 | Momaganon 363 547 (48) |
, weak Fire | 314912 | 1.1540 |
231 | Sacrilege Cenequus | 113 | 397 567 (37) |
No elements | 362107 | 1.1540 |
232 | Shaderider Plume | 113 | 398 566 (37) |
No elements | 296270 | 1.1540 |
233 | Abomination Wallower | 110 | - | No elements | 328615 | 1.1481 |
234 | Aoelian Executioner | 110 | World 153 309 (54) |
Wood, weak Metal | 328615 | 1.1481 |
235 | Ghostly Flagbearer | 110 | Momaganon 435 526 (27) |
No elements | 1314461 | 1.1481 |
236 | Luminoc Debaucherist | 110 | Lothranis 388 522 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 328615 | 1.1481 |
237 | Dust Breaker | 92 | Momaganon 339 506 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 218278 | 1.1452 |
238 | Lowang | 92 | World 634 298 (14) |
Water, weak Earth | 873114 | 1.1452 |
239 | Errant Acephalid Sadist | 120 | Momaganon 326 596 (25) |
No elements | 403002 | 1.1448 |
240 | Fengsha | 120 | World 177 334 (58) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1612008 | 1.1448 |
241 | Fengsha | 150 | - | No elements | 1296738 | 1.1448 |
242 | Blasphemous Demonic Beast | 108 | 380 522 (37) |
Earth, weak Wood | 325885 | 1.1434 |
243 | Mindless Bandit | 108 | Momaganon 429 626 (23) |
Earth, weak Wood | 283411 | 1.1434 |
244 | Sacrilege Mason | 109 | 382 520 (37) |
, weak Fire | 332932 | 1.1421 |
245 | Soulmass Beast | 90 | World 148 773 (23) |
Water, weak Earth | 186985 | 1.1414 |
246 | Decaying Defender | 100 | Seat of Torment 370 561 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 690893 | 1.1379 |
247 | Grosh Tower | 100 | Abaddon 431 591 (17) |
Water, weak Earth | 307636 | 1.1379 |
248 | Aberrant Soarer | 150 | World 122 859 (60) |
No elements | 62788 | 1.1362 |
249 | Blackshadow Wraith | 150 | Brimstone Pit 400 587 (26) |
No elements | 120492 | 1.1362 |
250 | Bronze Bird Trap | 150 | --- 330 486 (42) |
, weak Fire | 22115 | 1.1362 |
251 | Corrupted Commander | 150 | - | No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
252 | Corrupted Mirrorflower Citizen | 150 | --- 329 567 (37) |
Fire, weak Water | 21636 | 1.1362 |
253 | Corrupted Raccoon Fighter | 150 | --- 361 569 (36) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1362 |
254 | Dark Priest | 150 | --- 343 523 (30) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1362 |
255 | Dark Runeforge Guardian | 150 | --- 347 533 (30) |
No elements | 25132 | 1.1362 |
256 | Disciple of Ren Dao | 150 | --- 333 554 (38) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
257 | Elite Swift Darkhound | 150 | World 267 827 (23) |
Fire, weak Water | 42022 | 1.1362 |
258 | Guard Captain Gonglin | 150 | --- 321 622 (44) |
No elements | 133679 | 1.1362 |
259 | Lightplate Fighter | 150 | --- 373 454 (30) |
No elements | 120492 | 1.1362 |
260 | Lightplate Rider | 150 | --- 358 592 (39) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1362 |
261 | Lord Tyrant's Advisor | 150 | --- 318 622 (45) |
No elements | 136423 | 1.1362 |
262 | Mercenary Elite | 150 | --- 335 565 (36) |
Water, weak Earth | 21636 | 1.1362 |
263 | Mercenary Henchman | 150 | --- 335 565 (36) |
Water, weak Earth | 21636 | 1.1362 |
264 | Monster attacking Ling Feng | 150 | World 366 941 (24) |
No elements | 23679 | 1.1362 |
265 | Mountain Tiger | 150 | --- 335 478 (31) |
, weak Fire | 23093 | 1.1362 |
266 | Mutieh | 131 | World 162 775 (22) |
No elements | 4123 | 1.1362 |
267 | Raccoon Raider | 150 | --- 329 504 (31) |
No elements | 24098 | 1.1362 |
268 | Servant of Sarokkan | 150 | --- 320 535 (37) |
No elements | 25660 | 1.1362 |
269 | Shadow Assassin | 150 | --- 350 472 (31) |
No elements | 42788 | 1.1362 |
270 | Sky Owl Guardsman | 150 | --- 334 479 (31) |
No elements | 26736 | 1.1362 |
271 | Sky Owl Knight | 150 | --- 334 479 (35) |
, weak Fire | 545694 | 1.1362 |
272 | Sky Owl Shadowmage | 150 | --- 340 471 (31) |
, weak Fire | 22115 | 1.1362 |
273 | Sky Owl Warlock | 150 | --- 340 471 (31) |
, weak Fire | 22115 | 1.1362 |
274 | Snow Ape Alpha | 150 | --- 383 586 (42) |
, weak Fire | 22115 | 1.1362 |
275 | Snow Ape Patrol | 150 | --- 380 583 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
276 | Snow Ape Priest | 150 | --- 384 582 (42) |
Wood, weak Metal | 568087 | 1.1362 |
277 | Snow Monkey | 150 | - | Earth, weak Wood | 24098 | 1.1362 |
278 | Spirit of Wu Hen | 150 | World 551 257 (26) |
Wood, weak Metal | 50696 | 1.1362 |
279 | Spirit of Wu Mehan | 150 | World 551 257 (26) |
Water, weak Earth | 53662 | 1.1362 |
280 | Sprite Devourer | 150 | World 630 654 (24) |
Earth, weak Wood | 9669 | 1.1362 |
281 | Tyrant Army Archer | 150 | --- 336 616 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
282 | Tyrant Army Assassin | 150 | --- 324 523 (36) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1362 |
283 | Tyrant Army Dark Shaman | 150 | --- 334 548 (38) |
No elements | 556818 | 1.1362 |
284 | Tyrant Army Guardsman | 150 | --- 324 620 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
285 | Tyrant Army Infantry | 150 | --- 367 601 (38) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
286 | Tyrant Army Patroller | 150 | --- 333 619 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
287 | Tyrant Army Sentry | 150 | --- 345 621 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
288 | Tyrant Army Sentry | 150 | --- 343 489 (30) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1362 |
289 | Tyrant Army Soldier | 150 | --- 350 621 (42) |
No elements | 23592 | 1.1362 |
290 | Tyrant Army Vanguard | 150 | --- 335 627 (42) |
No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
291 | Tyrant Army Warrior | 150 | --- 384 475 (30) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1362 |
292 | Tyrant Warlock Rani Dreamflow | 150 | --- 316 622 (45) |
No elements | 139204 | 1.1362 |
293 | Wraith Flower | 95 | Morai 250 586 (4) |
Wood, weak Metal | 45456 | 1.1362 |
294 | Wraith-Tainted Treant | 95 | - | Wood, weak Metal | 45456 | 1.1362 |
295 | Yeh Kuhan's Avatar | 150 | - | No elements | 21636 | 1.1362 |
296 | Dominator Leoclaw | 95 | Lothranis 470 518 (19) |
No elements | 211216 | 1.1353 |
297 | Arcane Ape | 150 | --- 383 586 (42) |
, weak Fire | 23093 | 1.1332 |
298 | Atuin | 150 | Morai Dungeon 346 641 (8) |
Fire, weak Water | 4859360 | 1.1332 |
299 | Basilisk Madtooth | 102 | World 94 400 (52) |
No elements | 57343 | 1.1332 |
300 | Black Bear | 150 | --- 376 622 (38) |
Earth, weak Wood | 30732 | 1.1332 |
301 | Blackplate Knight | 150 | --- 359 589 (38) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
302 | Blood Priest | 150 | --- 343 523 (30) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
303 | Brown Bear | 150 | - | , weak Fire | 28404 | 1.1332 |
304 | Chaosand Sludgestalker | 102 | World 109 388 (53) |
Earth, weak Wood | 57343 | 1.1332 |
305 | Chilopod Blazer | 102 | - | Fire, weak Water | 57343 | 1.1332 |
306 | Corpse Orchid | 95 | Morai 315 532 (13) |
Fire, weak Water | 2015616 | 1.1332 |
307 | Corrupted Raccoon Geomancer | 150 | --- 361 569 (36) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
308 | Dark Radiance | 90 | Morai 213 517 (4) |
Fire, weak Water | 1715616 | 1.1332 |
309 | Darkness Hunter | 104 | World 554 281 (31) |
Earth, weak Wood | 83278 | 1.1332 |
310 | Demon Statue | 98 | Morai 471 577 (3) |
Fire, weak Water | 49155 | 1.1332 |
311 | Dragonwhite Stag | 150 | --- 321 523 (36) |
, weak Fire | 25132 | 1.1332 |
312 | Eternal Octopus Lord | 150 | - | Water, weak Earth | 21389 | 1.1332 |
313 | Eternal Shark | 150 | --- 305 493 (29) |
Water, weak Earth | 21389 | 1.1332 |
314 | Fluorescent Jellyfish | 150 | --- 303 509 (29) |
Water, weak Earth | 18474 | 1.1332 |
315 | General Brightmoon | 150 | --- 357 595 (39) |
No elements | 120492 | 1.1332 |
316 | Greater Toxicant Fiend | 150 | --- 345 550 (38) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
317 | Hidden Sentry | 150 | --- 343 523 (30) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
318 | Hill Monkey | 150 | --- 335 478 (31) |
Fire, weak Water | 25132 | 1.1332 |
319 | Lemur | 150 | --- 321 561 (39) |
Earth, weak Wood | 30139 | 1.1332 |
320 | Machinated Terror | 150 | Morai 480 542 (5) |
, weak Fire | 4859360 | 1.1332 |
321 | Madfang Trout | 150 | --- 384 484 (29) |
Water, weak Earth | 18080 | 1.1332 |
322 | Malevolent Wraithguard | 150 | Morai 333 582 (3) |
No elements | 4859360 | 1.1332 |
323 | Mirrorfish | 150 | - | Water, weak Earth | 28975 | 1.1332 |
324 | Moon Turtle | 150 | - | Water, weak Earth | 26736 | 1.1332 |
325 | Mutated Wu Hen | 100 | Morai 358 537 (3) |
Fire, weak Water | 2435616 | 1.1332 |
326 | Mutated Wu Mehan | 100 | Morai 353 538 (6) |
Fire, weak Water | 3035616 | 1.1332 |
327 | Primal Wolf | 150 | --- 382 586 (42) |
Wood, weak Metal | 29553 | 1.1332 |
328 | Raccoon Fighter | 150 | --- 363 504 (30) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
329 | Raccoon Warrior | 150 | --- 363 504 (30) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
330 | Rakshasa King | 150 | Morai 421 581 (2) |
, weak Fire | 4859360 | 1.1332 |
331 | Red Condor | 150 | --- 335 505 (39) |
, weak Fire | 24098 | 1.1332 |
332 | Rockridge Landshark | 98 | Morai 459 574 (6) |
, weak Fire | 49155 | 1.1332 |
333 | Rose Unit Soldier | 150 | --- 333 545 (38) |
No elements | 22115 | 1.1332 |
334 | Sage Statue | 97 | Morai 481 568 (3) |
, weak Fire | 47858 | 1.1332 |
335 | Sandedge Basilisk | 102 | World 123 421 (52) |
Earth, weak Wood | 57343 | 1.1332 |
336 | Sky Falcon | 150 | --- 334 551 (47) |
Fire, weak Water | 30139 | 1.1332 |
337 | Sky Owl Assassin | 150 | --- 340 471 (31) |
, weak Fire | 22600 | 1.1332 |
338 | Sky Owl Defender | 150 | --- 336 477 (31) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
339 | Sky Owl Mechanic | 150 | --- 340 471 (31) |
, weak Fire | 23093 | 1.1332 |
340 | Sky Owl Thief | 150 | - | No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
341 | Skytreker Crane | 150 | - | Wood, weak Metal | 25132 | 1.1332 |
342 | Snow Ape High Chieftain | 150 | --- 384 583 (42) |
, weak Fire | 115464 | 1.1332 |
343 | Snow Ape Lord | 150 | --- 383 586 (42) |
, weak Fire | 22600 | 1.1332 |
344 | Snow Raven | 150 | --- 385 580 (50) |
, weak Fire | 29553 | 1.1332 |
345 | Spotted Leopard | 150 | --- 344 509 (30) |
Wood, weak Metal | 24612 | 1.1332 |
346 | Tiger | 150 | --- 347 519 (30) |
Earth, weak Wood | 24612 | 1.1332 |
347 | Toxicant Fiend | 150 | --- 365 499 (30) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
348 | Tyrant Army Elite | 150 | --- 359 589 (38) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
349 | Tyrant Army Pyromancer | 150 | --- 333 545 (38) |
Fire, weak Water | 22600 | 1.1332 |
350 | Tyrant Army Scout | 150 | --- 321 539 (37) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
351 | Tyrant Army Trooper | 150 | --- 343 489 (30) |
No elements | 22600 | 1.1332 |
352 | Umbrella Spirit | 102 | World 527 241 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 61266 | 1.1332 |
353 | Vengeful Autumn Village Ghost | 150 | --- 377 624 (38) |
Fire, weak Water | 30732 | 1.1332 |
354 | Wandering soul | 103 | World 544 240 (24) |
Earth, weak Wood | 74578 | 1.1332 |
355 | Wildland Lizard | 150 | --- 342 603 (42) |
, weak Fire | 32558 | 1.1332 |
356 | Wildland Scalesnake | 150 | --- 338 602 (42) |
Wood, weak Metal | 32558 | 1.1332 |
357 | Zur Arzo's Inner Darkness | 150 | --- 335 553 (38) |
No elements | 23093 | 1.1332 |
358 | Korrib, Beast of the Deep | 95 | World 197 424 (52) |
Water, weak Earth | 234684 | 1.1288 |
359 | Legion Herald | 150 | World 553 696 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 150000 | 1.1217 |
360 | Legion Herald | 150 | World 552 695 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 250000 | 1.1217 |
361 | Legion Herald | 150 | World 552 696 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 100000 | 1.1217 |
362 | Legion Herald | 150 | World 553 695 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 200000 | 1.1217 |
363 | Legion Herald | 150 | World 552 696 (22) |
No elements | 10000 | 1.1217 |
364 | Alabaster Transience | 95 | Cave of Sadistic Glee 383 570 (34) |
Earth, weak Wood | 2182564 | 1.1204 |
365 | Onyxian Transience | 95 | Cave of Sadistic Glee 402 570 (34) |
Earth, weak Wood | 2182564 | 1.1204 |
366 | Demonic Firefox Guard | 99 | Abaddon 359 561 (16) |
Fire, weak Water | 367463 | 1.1146 |
367 | Legion General: Rockarer | 150 | World 552 701 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 12000000 | 1.1111 |
368 | Legion General: Scarlarer | 150 | World 504 653 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 12000000 | 1.1111 |
369 | Legion General: Snowlarer | 150 | World 556 604 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 12000000 | 1.1111 |
370 | Marshal: Dismal Duke | 150 | World 552 702 (22) |
No elements | 16000000 | 1.1111 |
371 | Glacial Seed | 93 | World 100 1011 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 43013 | 1.1109 |
372 | Gnosis Treerat | 93 | World 136 1010 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 43013 | 1.1109 |
373 | Nivastok Brave | 93 | World 308 932 (25) |
, weak Fire | 43013 | 1.1109 |
374 | Nivastok Shieldbearer | 93 | World 123 1008 (22) |
, weak Fire | 43013 | 1.1109 |
375 | Acephalid Blade Major | 91 | World 116 816 (23) |
, weak Fire | 234276 | 1.1004 |
376 | Guardian Wraith | 99 | Seat of Torment 416 565 (61) |
No elements | 300652 | 1.0971 |
377 | Bloodeye Wraith | 90 | - | Fire, weak Water | 186985 | 1.0917 |
378 | Herculeon Infernal | 90 | - | , weak Fire | 228537 | 1.0917 |
379 | Demonic Firefox Guard | 101 | Abaddon 367 518 (16) |
, weak Fire | 384662 | 1.0789 |
380 | Guardian Wraith | 101 | Seat of Torment 379 593 (61) |
, weak Fire | 314724 | 1.0789 |
381 | Demonic Firefox Guard | 102 | Abaddon 357 518 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 321916 | 1.0788 |
382 | Guardian Wraith | 102 | Seat of Torment 385 562 (61) |
No elements | 393452 | 1.0788 |
383 | Deepsea Feeler | 90 | Temple of the Dragon 422 507 (18) |
Water, weak Earth | 831043 | 1.0773 |
384 | Demonic Firefox Guard | 103 | Abaddon 362 510 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 329213 | 1.0773 |
385 | Fallen Mimong | 90 | - | , weak Fire | 37397 | 1.0773 |
386 | Guardian Wraith | 103 | Seat of Torment 407 520 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 402371 | 1.0773 |
387 | Insect Queen | 90 | - | Fire, weak Water | 747939 | 1.0773 |
388 | Mimong Enchanter | 90 | - | , weak Fire | 37397 | 1.0773 |
389 | Obsidian Seductress | 90 | World 210 221 (33) |
Fire, weak Water | 747939 | 1.0773 |
390 | Obsidian Watcher | 90 | World 177 242 (20) |
Fire, weak Water | 747939 | 1.0773 |
391 | Watcher | 90 | - | Fire, weak Water | 747939 | 1.0773 |
392 | Wraith Drakeri Sorcerer | 100 | World 141 967 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 47954 | 1.0754 |
393 | Wraith Drakeri Sorcerer | 100 | World 144 970 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 47954 | 1.0754 |
394 | Flamebath Slither | 150 | ChronoWorld 410 509 (53) |
Fire, weak Water | 23738 | 1.0648 |
395 | Haze Bladehorn | 150 | ChronoWorld 428 499 (52) |
Earth, weak Wood | 23738 | 1.0648 |
396 | Catacomb Dragon | 81 | Twilight Temple 368 551 (8) |
No elements | 638099 | 1.0585 |
397 | Withered Revenant | 99 | Seat of Torment 431 539 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 537704 | 1.0556 |
398 | Twilight Blademan | 102 | Twilight Temple 436 582 (5) |
, weak Fire | 322907 | 1.0525 |
399 | Plume Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 458 487 (59) |
, weak Fire | 52750 | 1.0455 |
400 | Plume Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 458 482 (58) |
, weak Fire | 52750 | 1.0455 |
401 | Strength Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 463 487 (53) |
Fire, weak Water | 47475 | 1.0455 |
402 | Strength Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 462 486 (53) |
Fire, weak Water | 47475 | 1.0455 |
403 | Ancient Evilwing | 95 | ChronoWorld 376 489 (40) |
, weak Fire | 42243 | 1.0440 |
404 | Blackwing Killer | 150 | ChronoWorld 361 565 (25) |
, weak Fire | 12467 | 1.0378 |
405 | Crypt Riser | 150 | ChronoWorld 313 585 (23) |
Fire, weak Water | 12467 | 1.0378 |
406 | Hateful Magikling | 150 | ChronoWorld 313 585 (23) |
No elements | 12467 | 1.0378 |
407 | Soul Smuggler | 150 | ChronoWorld 323 578 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 12467 | 1.0378 |
408 | Thunderarm Predator | 150 | ChronoWorld 326 623 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 12467 | 1.0378 |
409 | Wandering Wraith | 150 | ChronoWorld 323 578 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 12467 | 1.0378 |
410 | Peachyard Firefox | 99 | Abaddon 398 572 (16) |
Fire, weak Water | 257224 | 1.0346 |
411 | Ancient Ravenritter | 93 | ChronoWorld 344 484 (37) |
, weak Fire | 49206 | 1.0342 |
412 | Array Protector | 150 | ChronoWorld 374 468 (23) |
No elements | 12908 | 1.0341 |
413 | Infernal Creep | 99 | Seat of Torment 425 545 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 537704 | 1.0316 |
414 | Wandering Spirit | 99 | Seat of Torment 432 539 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 537704 | 1.0316 |
415 | Thunderarm Beast | 150 | ChronoWorld 332 622 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 14886 | 1.0311 |
416 | Helltoad | 98 | Seat of Torment 378 533 (61) |
Water, weak Earth | 621803 | 1.0275 |
417 | Peachyard Dodopod | 98 | Abaddon 396 567 (16) |
Earth, weak Wood | 251337 | 1.0275 |
418 | Twilight Blademan | 92 | Twilight Temple 436 582 (5) |
, weak Fire | 235740 | 1.0267 |
419 | Blood Duster Leopard | 150 | ChronoWorld 443 523 (55) |
Earth, weak Wood | 21629 | 1.0261 |
420 | Chrono Sneaker Chief | 150 | ChronoWorld 361 565 (25) |
No elements | 11896 | 1.0261 |
421 | Earthen Soul of Purgatory | 98 | Seat of Torment 441 583 (61) |
Earth, weak Wood | 537704 | 1.0245 |
422 | Jackelman Slave | 98 | Abaddon 380 590 (16) |
Fire, weak Water | 251337 | 1.0245 |
423 | Divine Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 452 499 (53) |
Earth, weak Wood | 58025 | 1.0215 |
424 | Divine Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 457 501 (53) |
Earth, weak Wood | 58025 | 1.0215 |
425 | Ghostly Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 451 489 (53) |
, weak Fire | 47475 | 1.0215 |
426 | Ghostly Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 451 492 (53) |
, weak Fire | 47475 | 1.0215 |
427 | Morpher Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 455 487 (53) |
Wood, weak Metal | 47475 | 1.0215 |
428 | Morpher Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 454 487 (53) |
Wood, weak Metal | 47475 | 1.0215 |
429 | Alliance Ice Wizard | 150 | ChronoWorld 362 635 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 11617 | 1.0199 |
430 | Alliance Earth Wizard | 150 | ChronoWorld 360 624 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 11617 | 1.0198 |
431 | Alliance Fire Wizard | 150 | ChronoWorld 362 635 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 11617 | 1.0198 |
432 | Blasphemous Mage | 92 | ChronoWorld 374 494 (37) |
No elements | 48021 | 1.0191 |
433 | Steelfin Pike | 150 | ChronoWorld 327 635 (21) |
No elements | 13862 | 1.0144 |
434 | Array Sentry | 150 | ChronoWorld 355 466 (23) |
No elements | 13862 | 1.0143 |
435 | Chrono Stalker | 150 | ChronoWorld 372 571 (27) |
, weak Fire | 11342 | 1.0143 |
436 | Array Guard | 150 | ChronoWorld 338 496 (23) |
Wood, weak Metal | 11071 | 1.0106 |
437 | Bloodthirsty Ursog | 150 | ChronoWorld 379 601 (28) |
No elements | 13532 | 1.0106 |
438 | Chrono Sneaker | 150 | ChronoWorld 372 571 (27) |
No elements | 11071 | 1.0106 |
439 | Human Alliance Soldier | 150 | ChronoWorld 373 631 (22) |
No elements | 13532 | 1.0105 |
440 | Twilight Guard | 102 | Twilight Temple 446 577 (4) |
No elements | 322907 | 1.0085 |
441 | Quicksand Mastiff | 150 | ChronoWorld 443 523 (55) |
Fire, weak Water | 21629 | 1.0082 |
442 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | World 555 595 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 9351 | 1.0058 |
443 | Alliance Bowman | 150 | ChronoWorld 372 614 (28) |
No elements | 12005 | 1.0052 |
444 | Blackwing Sniper | 150 | ChronoWorld 352 567 (24) |
No elements | 12005 | 1.0052 |
445 | Ironshell Turtle | 150 | ChronoWorld 327 635 (21) |
No elements | 26412 | 1.0052 |
446 | Sneaker Messenger | 150 | ChronoWorld 315 511 (22) |
No elements | 10805 | 1.0052 |
447 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | World 492 669 (23) |
Fire, weak Water | 9351 | 0.9998 |
448 | Bloodfang Wolf | 150 | ChronoWorld 316 599 (22) |
No elements | 12885 | 0.9997 |
449 | Sneaker Messenger | 150 | ChronoWorld 315 511 (22) |
, weak Fire | 10542 | 0.9997 |
450 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | World 498 669 (23) |
Water, weak Earth | 9351 | 0.9924 |
451 | Rock Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 465 502 (53) |
, weak Fire | 47475 | 0.9882 |
452 | Rock Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 461 501 (54) |
, weak Fire | 47475 | 0.9882 |
453 | Sand Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 451 496 (53) |
Earth, weak Wood | 47475 | 0.9882 |
454 | Legion Drake | 150 | - | No elements | 9351 | 0.9875 |
455 | Ancient Feligar Guard | 92 | Twilight Temple 433 510 (26) |
No elements | 312137 | 0.9850 |
456 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | World 574 715 (31) |
Wood, weak Metal | 9351 | 0.9850 |
457 | Twilight Guard | 97 | Twilight Temple 446 577 (4) |
No elements | 235740 | 0.9848 |
458 | Legion Officer | 150 | - | Earth, weak Wood | 37406 | 0.9818 |
459 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | World 574 709 (31) |
, weak Fire | 9351 | 0.9794 |
460 | Wraith Gwai Warrior | 90 | World 146 823 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 37775 | 0.9757 |
461 | Wraith Gwai Warrior | 90 | World 139 820 (22) |
No elements | 37775 | 0.9757 |
462 | Wraith Petali Sorcerer | 90 | World 175 861 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 37775 | 0.9757 |
463 | Wraith Petali Sorcerer | 90 | World 177 862 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 37775 | 0.9757 |
464 | Wraith Visplume Shooter | 90 | World 679 620 (30) |
No elements | 37775 | 0.9757 |
465 | Wraith Visplume Sorcerer | 90 | World 679 614 (30) |
No elements | 37775 | 0.9757 |
466 | Wraith Visplume Sorcerer | 90 | World 679 617 (30) |
No elements | 37775 | 0.9757 |
467 | Legion Officer | 150 | - | , weak Fire | 37406 | 0.9749 |
468 | Legion Elite Warrior | 150 | World 555 599 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 9351 | 0.9725 |
469 | Legion Commander | 150 | - | , weak Fire | 46757 | 0.9679 |
470 | Legion Officer | 150 | - | Water, weak Earth | 37406 | 0.9679 |
471 | Legion Elite Shooter | 150 | - | Water, weak Earth | 9351 | 0.9655 |
472 | Legion Elite Warrior | 150 | World 496 669 (23) |
Fire, weak Water | 9351 | 0.9655 |
473 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 558 697 (22) |
Wood, weak Metal | 46757 | 0.9626 |
474 | Legion Officer | 150 | - | Wood, weak Metal | 37406 | 0.9626 |
475 | Harpy Wraith | 150 | - | Earth, weak Wood | 15000000 | 0.9606 |
476 | Harpy Wraith | 150 | World 259 822 (23) |
Earth, weak Wood | 1500000 | 0.9606 |
477 | Legion Elite Sorcerer | 150 | - | , weak Fire | 9351 | 0.9602 |
478 | Legion Elite Warrior | 150 | World 502 669 (23) |
Water, weak Earth | 9351 | 0.9602 |
479 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 561 599 (25) |
Earth, weak Wood | 46757 | 0.9560 |
480 | Legion Officer | 150 | - | , weak Fire | 37406 | 0.9560 |
481 | Legion Elite Warrior | 150 | World 574 711 (31) |
No elements | 9351 | 0.9538 |
482 | Legion Elite Witch Rider | 150 | World 549 696 (22) |
Fire, weak Water | 11845 | 0.9538 |
483 | Inferno Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 465 497 (53) |
Fire, weak Water | 47475 | 0.9494 |
484 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 496 663 (23) |
, weak Fire | 46757 | 0.9494 |
485 | Sand Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 451 496 (53) |
Earth, weak Wood | 47475 | 0.9494 |
486 | Infernal Behemoth | 100 | Seat of Torment 362 581 (61) |
Wood, weak Metal | 1381786 | 0.9484 |
487 | Legion Elite Rider | 150 | World 555 695 (22) |
, weak Fire | 11845 | 0.9477 |
488 | Legion Elite Warrior | 150 | World 574 705 (31) |
, weak Fire | 9351 | 0.9477 |
489 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 502 663 (23) |
Water, weak Earth | 46757 | 0.9444 |
490 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 568 711 (31) |
No elements | 46757 | 0.9383 |
491 | Legion Commander | 150 | World 568 705 (31) |
Fire, weak Water | 46757 | 0.9325 |
492 | Twilight Assassin | 100 | Twilight Temple 440 597 (3) |
No elements | 75433 | 0.9289 |
493 | Twilight Guardian | 99 | Twilight Temple 409 573 (5) |
Earth, weak Wood | 247464 | 0.9012 |
494 | Twilight Wrath Fighter | 100 | Twilight Temple 414 584 (5) |
No elements | 1900935 | 0.9006 |
495 | Twilight Cenequus | 104 | Twilight Temple 409 572 (5) |
Fire, weak Water | 2025933 | 0.9001 |
496 | Twilight Gaurnob | 104 | Twilight Temple 404 567 (5) |
Water, weak Earth | 2025933 | 0.9001 |
497 | Twilight Wrath Fighter | 105 | Twilight Temple 413 576 (4) |
No elements | 2588918 | 0.8986 |
498 | Drakefang Minkii | 150 | ChronoWorld 474 468 (53) |
Fire, weak Water | 23199 | 0.8971 |
499 | Dreadfeast Jackal | 150 | ChronoWorld 474 468 (53) |
No elements | 23199 | 0.8971 |
500 | Twilight Cenequus | 99 | Twilight Temple 409 572 (5) |
Fire, weak Water | 1484784 | 0.8946 |
501 | Twilight Gaurnob | 99 | Twilight Temple 404 567 (5) |
Water, weak Earth | 1484784 | 0.8946 |
502 | Frost Nimbustian | 150 | ChronoWorld 465 489 (53) |
Water, weak Earth | 47475 | 0.8943 |
503 | Frost Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 464 490 (53) |
Water, weak Earth | 47475 | 0.8943 |
504 | Inferno Nimbustian Captain | 150 | ChronoWorld 464 497 (54) |
Fire, weak Water | 47475 | 0.8943 |
505 | Sandscream Araneid | 150 | ChronoWorld 479 511 (55) |
Earth, weak Wood | 22668 | 0.8934 |
506 | Human Alliance Officer | 150 | ChronoWorld 362 635 (22) |
No elements | 15237 | 0.8933 |
507 | Phantom of Grudge | 150 | ChronoWorld 319 567 (22) |
Water, weak Earth | 12467 | 0.8933 |
508 | Quicksand Poisontail | 150 | ChronoWorld 479 511 (55) |
No elements | 22145 | 0.8884 |
509 | Thunderarm Spirit | 150 | ChronoWorld 332 622 (22) |
, weak Fire | 14540 | 0.8846 |
510 | Metal Jackaleopardite | 150 | ChronoWorld 306 598 (22) |
No elements | 14199 | 0.8800 |
511 | Twilight Blademan | 102 | Twilight Temple 438 583 (5) |
, weak Fire | 322907 | 0.8586 |
512 | Ancient Wraith Footman | 93 | Twilight Temple 419 533 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 60389 | 0.8582 |
513 | Twilight Witch | 103 | Twilight Temple 442 584 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 330226 | 0.8577 |
514 | Ancient Wraith Rider | 90 | - | Fire, weak Water | 13712 | 0.8518 |
515 | Twilight Witch | 98 | Twilight Temple 442 584 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 241554 | 0.8466 |
516 | Twilight Blademan | 97 | Twilight Temple 438 583 (5) |
, weak Fire | 235740 | 0.8413 |
517 | Ancient Sori Sorcerer | 95 | Twilight Temple 443 519 (27) |
, weak Fire | 63365 | 0.8348 |
518 | Ancient Tauroc Warrior | 95 | Twilight Temple 429 508 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 77447 | 0.8348 |
519 | Ancient Ghostjock | 94 | - | Wood, weak Metal | 185598 | 0.8252 |
520 | Ancient Feligar Guard | 92 | Twilight Temple 430 513 (26) |
No elements | 72032 | 0.8163 |
521 | Ancient Runewolf Guard | 92 | Twilight Temple 427 508 (26) |
Water, weak Earth | 58935 | 0.8163 |
522 | Hammerfall | 150 | World 333 679 (22) |
No elements | 3330153 | 0.8163 |
523 | Ancient Phantomancer | 90 | Twilight Temple 427 521 (26) |
No elements | 13712 | 0.8066 |
524 | Peachyard Treerat | 99 | Abaddon 406 583 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 210456 | 0.7978 |
525 | Peachyard Hobwekin | 99 | Abaddon 397 591 (16) |
, weak Fire | 210456 | 0.7960 |
526 | Ascended Warlock | 101 | Seat of Torment 382 530 (61) |
, weak Fire | 690893 | 0.7934 |
527 | Twilight Guardian | 104 | Twilight Temple 410 572 (5) |
Earth, weak Wood | 337656 | 0.7837 |
528 | Peachyard Hopnu | 101 | Abaddon 384 541 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 269263 | 0.7815 |
529 | Bodybag Infernal | 101 | Seat of Torment 377 562 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 690893 | 0.7797 |
530 | Florafang Maneater | 101 | Abaddon 390 540 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 220306 | 0.7797 |
531 | Hobwekin Fieldhand | 101 | Abaddon 397 584 (16) |
No elements | 220306 | 0.7797 |
532 | Peachrider Fawn | 101 | Abaddon 430 589 (16) |
No elements | 220306 | 0.7797 |
533 | Peachyard Dranite | 101 | Abaddon 396 523 (16) |
Earth, weak Wood | 220306 | 0.7797 |
534 | Peachyard Flyer | 101 | Abaddon 371 516 (16) |
No elements | 220306 | 0.7797 |
535 | Peachyard Ocelot guard | 101 | Abaddon 393 516 (16) |
, weak Fire | 269263 | 0.7797 |
536 | Prisoner of Heaven | 101 | Seat of Torment 398 530 (61) |
, weak Fire | 621803 | 0.7797 |
537 | Unfortunate Soul | 101 | Seat of Torment 378 532 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 621803 | 0.7797 |
538 | Icewind Sniper | 150 | ChronoWorld 463 627 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 11869 | 0.7555 |
539 | Twilight Feliger | 103 | Twilight Temple 414 560 (3) |
No elements | 1210833 | 0.7506 |
540 | Twilight Assassin | 95 | Twilight Temple 441 598 (3) |
No elements | 54848 | 0.7481 |
541 | Twilight Guardian | 104 | Twilight Temple 442 562 (3) |
Earth, weak Wood | 77921 | 0.7458 |
542 | Twilight Feliger | 98 | Twilight Temple 414 558 (3) |
No elements | 885708 | 0.7419 |
543 | Twilight Feliger | 103 | Twilight Temple 420 561 (4) |
No elements | 279423 | 0.7157 |
544 | Twilight Cenequus | 104 | - | Fire, weak Water | 467523 | 0.7109 |
545 | Twilight Gaurnob | 104 | - | Water, weak Earth | 467523 | 0.7109 |
546 | Twilight Wrath Fighter | 105 | - | No elements | 597443 | 0.7100 |
547 | Icewind Assassin | 150 | ChronoWorld 459 603 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 12467 | 0.7054 |
548 | Icewind Priest | 150 | ChronoWorld 459 603 (25) |
No elements | 9965 | 0.7044 |
549 | Twilight Assassin | 100 | Twilight Temple 440 597 (3) |
No elements | 17408 | 0.7035 |
550 | Twilight Guardian | 99 | Twilight Temple 442 562 (3) |
Earth, weak Wood | 49493 | 0.6874 |
551 | Ancient Ghostjock | 94 | Twilight Temple 406 542 (9) |
Wood, weak Metal | 804258 | 0.6804 |
552 | Ancient Wraith Footman | 93 | Twilight Temple 419 533 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 261684 | 0.6753 |
553 | Ancient Wraith Rider | 90 | Twilight Temple 403 545 (9) |
Fire, weak Water | 59419 | 0.6714 |
554 | Twilight Blademan | 102 | Twilight Temple 438 583 (5) |
, weak Fire | 74517 | 0.6625 |
555 | Twilight Guard | 102 | Twilight Temple 442 574 (4) |
No elements | 74517 | 0.6625 |
556 | Twilight Witch | 103 | Twilight Temple 447 583 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 76206 | 0.6619 |
557 | Twilight Wrath Fighter | 100 | - | No elements | 380187 | 0.6609 |
558 | Ancient Sori Sorcerer | 95 | Twilight Temple 444 519 (27) |
, weak Fire | 274580 | 0.6608 |
559 | Twilight Feliger | 98 | Twilight Temple 420 561 (4) |
No elements | 177142 | 0.6581 |
560 | Twilight Cenequus | 99 | - | Fire, weak Water | 296957 | 0.6577 |
561 | Twilight Gaurnob | 99 | - | Water, weak Earth | 296957 | 0.6577 |
562 | Ancient Phantomancer | 90 | Twilight Temple 428 520 (26) |
No elements | 59419 | 0.6430 |
563 | Cacoon Spirit | 95 | Battlefield 387 536 (19) |
Wood, weak Metal | 184518 | 0.6418 |
564 | Granite Iblis | 96 | Battlefield 397 580 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 230941 | 0.6417 |
565 | Hellish Triphibian | 100 | Seat of Torment 365 532 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 621803 | 0.6279 |
566 | Petalii Spirit | 100 | Abaddon 419 557 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 215345 | 0.6277 |
567 | Phong o'Sin | 90 | Brimstone Pit 396 550 (26) |
Fire, weak Water | 163350 | 0.6203 |
568 | Consuming Soulmass | 100 | Abaddon 422 557 (16) |
Water, weak Earth | 263200 | 0.6191 |
569 | Florafang Mutant | 100 | Abaddon 417 562 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 215345 | 0.6191 |
570 | Hexgoblin Hunter | 100 | Seat of Torment 366 531 (61) |
, weak Fire | 621803 | 0.6191 |
571 | Peachyard Wisp | 100 | Abaddon 429 582 (16) |
Wood, weak Metal | 215345 | 0.6191 |
572 | Queen Succubus | 100 | Seat of Torment 397 550 (61) |
Fire, weak Water | 1036340 | 0.6191 |
573 | Celestial Oddfoot Champion | 90 | Eden 403 560 (25) |
Wood, weak Metal | 199650 | 0.6099 |
574 | Alcazar Hopnu | 96 | Battlefield 369 567 (19) |
Water, weak Earth | 188952 | 0.6044 |
575 | Acephalid Ranger | 91 | Brimstone Pit 383 583 (26) |
No elements | 167452 | 0.6041 |
576 | Celestial Dranite Priestess | 91 | Eden 415 580 (25) |
Wood, weak Metal | 167452 | 0.6011 |
577 | Blizzard Antelope | 90 | Eden 407 565 (25) |
Water, weak Earth | 163350 | 0.5987 |
578 | Jackelman | 95 | Battlefield 386 536 (19) |
No elements | 225522 | 0.5981 |
579 | Ethereal Inamorato | 91 | Eden 412 573 (25) |
Wood, weak Metal | 186058 | 0.5954 |
580 | Celestial Dranite | 90 | Eden 402 560 (25) |
No elements | 163350 | 0.5938 |
581 | Twilight Assassin | 95 | Twilight Temple 440 597 (3) |
No elements | 10970 | 0.5922 |
582 | Greater Celestial Antelope | 91 | Eden 418 584 (26) |
Water, weak Earth | 204663 | 0.5918 |
583 | Twilight Witch | 98 | Twilight Temple 447 583 (5) |
Wood, weak Metal | 48311 | 0.5861 |
584 | Twilight Blademan | 97 | Twilight Temple 438 583 (5) |
, weak Fire | 47148 | 0.5835 |
585 | Twilight Guard | 97 | Twilight Temple 446 577 (4) |
No elements | 47148 | 0.5835 |
586 | Ancient Feligar Guard | 92 | Twilight Temple 430 513 (26) |
No elements | 312137 | 0.5720 |
587 | Ancient Runewolf Guard | 92 | Twilight Temple 426 508 (26) |
Water, weak Earth | 255385 | 0.5720 |
588 | Demonic Acephalid | 90 | Brimstone Pit 398 548 (26) |
Fire, weak Water | 199650 | 0.5710 |
589 | Hellbent Exorcist | 90 | Brimstone Pit 398 548 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 199650 | 0.5710 |
590 | Hellbent Prole | 91 | Brimstone Pit 388 584 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 186058 | 0.5595 |
591 | Revenant Shards | 97 | Battlefield 414 580 (19) |
Earth, weak Wood | 193453 | 0.5410 |
592 | Glacial Mistress | 96 | World 304 996 (28) |
Water, weak Earth | 46645 | 0.5306 |
593 | Goothe | 96 | World 344 976 (22) |
Earth, weak Wood | 46645 | 0.5306 |
594 | Toxic Feather | 86 | Morai 217 588 (3) |
Water, weak Earth | 33201 | 0.5306 |
595 | Ancient Tauroc Warrior | 95 | Twilight Temple 429 508 (26) |
Earth, weak Wood | 335602 | 0.5279 |
596 | Alcazarian Reaverex | 97 | Battlefield 412 580 (19) |
Fire, weak Water | 236443 | 0.5144 |
597 | Towerling Defender | 97 | Battlefield 417 582 (21) |
No elements | 300000 | 0.5144 |
598 | N/A实验2 | 100 | - | , weak Fire | 646040 | 0.3749 |