Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

Glutinous Rice
Type: Potions
Subtype: Healing Potions / Gift Release
restore HP 200
Restore Time HP 10 sec.
Level Required: 1
Cooldown Time 15 sec.

Price: 0 / 80
Stacked: 90

Used in craft for following items

Date Rice Cake (20)
Recipe: Date Rice Cake
Amount needed: 5

Fine Date Rice Cake (50)
Recipe: Fine Date Rice Cake
Amount needed: 10

Beef Rice Cake (20)
Recipe: Beef Rice Cake
Amount needed: 5

Fine Beef Rice Cake (50)
Recipe: Fine Beef Rice Cake
Amount needed: 10

Bean Paste Rice Cake (20)
Recipe: Bean Paste Rice Cake
Amount needed: 5

Fine Bean Paste Rice Cake (50)
Recipe: Fine Bean Paste Rice Cake
Amount needed: 10 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!