Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!

☆Amulet of Eight Treasures
Type: Accessory
Subtype: Pendant / Protection Belt
Used by character(s): , , Stormbringer, Duskblade, Mystic, Seeker, Cleric, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Venomancer, Psychic, Wizard, Blademaster
LV. 8
Physical Defense +154
Level Required: 65

Price: 228 / 17.680
Stacked: 1

Decompose to: 13 Liuho Stone (Price: 0)

Destroyed to: 7 Liuho Stone

Award from quest

਺Exchange Lv.7 ornament (0)
਻For Lv.8 soulgems (0)

Items Addons:


Phys. Res.: +63 - 1.96%

Metal Resistance +77 - 3.93%

Metal Resistance +93 - 2.62%

Wood Resistance +77 - 1.96%

Wood Resistance +93 - 1.31%

Water Resistance +77 - 1.96%

Water Resistance +93 - 1.31%

Fire Resistance +77 - 1.96%

Fire Resistance +93 - 1.31%

Earth Resistance +77 - 1.96%

Earth Resistance +93 - 1.31%

HP: +80 - 1.47%

Strength +3~4 - 2.46%

Strength +3~4 - 2.46%

Dexterity +3~4 - 2.46%

Magic +3~4 - 2.46%

Vitality +3~4 - 3.93%

Vitality +3~4 - 3.93%

Accuracy +44 - 3.93%

Accuracy +53 - 2.95%

Evasion +62 - 2.62%

Maximum Endurance +25% - 7.86%

Maximum Endurance +50% - 5.89%

Reduce Phys. damage +1% - 1.57%

Reduce Phys. damage +2% - 0.2%

Unidentified +??? - 33.33%

EXP +1% - 0.79%

EXP +2% - 0.1% Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Item can be crafted
Recipe: Octuple Amulet

Rubstone Powder (3)

Verdant Jade

Hsuan Wood (2)

Probability to create: 67.00%



Chang the Craftsman

World: 26 3 (24)

Craftsman Pi

World: 610 717 (22)

Craftsman Pi

World: 44 3 (25)

Craftsman Tsai

World: 124 590 (52)

Craftsman Tsai

World: 62 3 (23)

Craftsman Meng

World: 458 328 (26)

Craftsman Meng

World: 82 3 (23)

Craftsman Shang

World: 448 569 (22)

Craftsman Shang

World: 24 5 (24)

Craftsman Wu Min

World: 522 644 (22)

Craftsman Wu Min

World: 54 5 (23)

Craftsman Kuo Er

World: 556 622 (22)

Craftsman Kuo Er

World: 56 5 (22)

Craftsman Li

World: 565 675 (22)

Craftsman Li

World: -8 7 (22)

Craftsman Li

World: 560 684 (22)

Craftsman Sharow

World: 551 98 (22)

Craftsman Alva

World: 115 256 (20)

Craftsman Ariana

World: 474 263 (17)

Craftsman Lidz

World: 759 841 (24)

Craftsman Zogwei

World: 775 938 (26)

Craftsman Yumcha

---: 477 536 (24)

Craftsman Dienne

Craftsman Loreen

Craftsman Campbell

Craftsman Philia

Craftsman Chi

World: 146 963 (22)

Craftsman Wu Yan

World: 322 975 (23)

Craftsman Shih

World: 156 897 (22)

Craftsman Yin

World: 181 870 (23)

Craftsman Shui Qing

World: 152 816 (22)

Craftsman Hong

World: 252 813 (22)

Craftsman Pai Sai

World: 131 753 (22)

Craftsman Chu

World: 238 780 (22)

Craftsman Hsieh

World: 640 565 (22)

Craftsman Shen

World: 168 469 (49)

Craftsman Chao

World: 538 418 (22)

Craftsman Hsieh Qin

World: 554 378 (23)

Craftsman Ding Li

World: 670 374 (23)

Craftsman Yuan

World: 120 307 (54)

Craftsman Hsiao

Lothranis: 481 501 (21)

Craftsman Cheng

Momaganon: 333 474 (25)

Craftsman Ning

Lothranis: 335 591 (20)

Craftsman Ching

Momaganon: 478 618 (17)

Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Frost Fairie 89 World
146 927 (26)
Water, weak Earth 194228 0.3367
2 Rogueknight Felon 86 Cave of Sadistic Glee
406 528 (34)
Earth, weak Wood 36818 0.3351
3 Moietu Lang 89 World
608 311 (18)
Water, weak Earth 776914 0.3320
4 Siren Assassin 89 World
269 865 (20)
Water, weak Earth 194228 0.3320
5 Ancient Rocknight 83 - Earth, weak Wood 155647 0.3268
6 Toras 83 World
281 810 (24)
Earth, weak Wood 155647 0.3268
7 Abomination of the Plain 83 World
200 770 (27)
Earth, weak Wood 28951 0.3245
8 Cougaret Master at Arms 83 World
201 723 (25)
Fire, weak Water 28951 0.3245
9 Elite Infernal Guard 83 World
250 746 (24)
No elements 28951 0.3245
10 Elite Lupine Infernal 83 World
276 733 (22)
Fire, weak Water 28951 0.3245
11 Elite Tigaero Guard 83 World
223 757 (24)
Metal, weak Fire 28951 0.3245
12 Petite Sawfly 83 World
331 344 (27)
Wood, weak Metal 28951 0.3245
13 Mantavip Hexxer 86 Temple of the Dragon
372 533 (20)
No elements 30124 0.3185
14 Blazing Guardian 86 World
144 762 (24)
No elements 33201 0.3063
15 Bloodless Drakerider 86 - Metal, weak Fire 36818 0.3063
16 Cragg Boulderarm 86 World
101 755 (30)
Fire, weak Water 33201 0.3063
17 Cragrock Warrior 86 World
147 785 (22)
Fire, weak Water 33201 0.3063
18 Ghost of the Brigand King 86 - No elements 2510309 0.3063
19 Infernal Eidolon 86 World
121 769 (26)
Fire, weak Water 33201 0.3063
20 Ninetailed Firefox 86 World
183 761 (23)
Fire, weak Water 33201 0.3063
21 Ru Ci the Confucian Templar 79 World
650 342 (21)
Water, weak Earth 141144 0.2937
22 Sori Gnawer 73 World
511 367 (31)
Wood, weak Metal 18423 0.2864
23 Tigaero Hexeye 73 World
569 331 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 18423 0.2864
24 Guardian Jumby 91 - No elements 239217 0.2819
25 Legion Officer 150 - Fire, weak Water 23447 0.2815
26 Legion Officer 150 - Fire, weak Water 23447 0.2815
27 Flower Guardian 79 World
671 454 (23)
No elements 23961 0.2801
28 Gargantuan of the Plains 79 - Earth, weak Wood 31052 0.2801
29 Wu Yuan 79 Nightscream Island
423 550 (26)
No elements 141144 0.2801
30 Butterfly Nymph 73 World
518 313 (35)
No elements 427030 0.2798
31 Poisonleaf Sentry 76 - Water, weak Earth 18810 0.2798
32 Legion Sharpshooter 150 - No elements 5862 0.2774
33 Legion Sorcerer 150 - No elements 5862 0.2774
34 Ancient Sorat 76 - No elements 23513 0.2726
35 Tauroc Abbadean 76 - No elements 23513 0.2726
36 Legion Necromancer 150 World
498 669 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 5862 0.2717
37 Legion Necromancer 150 World
574 715 (31)
No elements 5862 0.2717
38 Legion Commander 150 World
561 599 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 29309 0.2699
39 Shadowless Fish 76 World
648 576 (20)
Water, weak Earth 18810 0.2658
40 Legion Mage 150 World
574 715 (31)
Earth, weak Wood 4795 0.2565
41 Legion Officer 150 World
502 663 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 19182 0.2555
42 Legion Drakefighter 150 World
136 859 (40)
No elements 4795 0.2517
43 Legion Sharpshooter 150 - Earth, weak Wood 4795 0.2517
44 Legion Fighter 150 World
496 669 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 4795 0.2472
45 Legion Mage 150 World
555 595 (25)
Metal, weak Fire 4795 0.2472
46 Sori Dualhammer 66 World
539 361 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 87280 0.2416
47 Catacomb Grudge 64 Twilight Temple
361 526 (11)
Fire, weak Water 82495 0.2383
48 Catacomb Mobster 65 Twilight Temple
371 537 (11)
No elements 85175 0.2298
49 Catacomb Archer 65 Twilight Temple
374 531 (11)
Wood, weak Metal 94640 0.2225
50 Aurum Bondswoman 66 World
483 301 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 14305 0.2210
51 Gang Leader 66 World
478 300 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 14305 0.2210
52 Headless Knight 66 World
602 479 (22)
Fire, weak Water 14305 0.2210
53 Noxious Philestine 66 World
507 393 (24)
Wood, weak Metal 96977 0.2210
54 Pyrofiend Immolant 66 World
545 473 (22)
Fire, weak Water 14305 0.2210
55 Spinewraith 66 World
542 450 (31)
No elements 14305 0.2210
56 Taurox Archon 66 World
482 304 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 14305 0.2210
57 Trioc Lord 66 World
404 312 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 14305 0.2210
58 Oggo, the Quillhog King 65 World
495 318 (23)
No elements 239918 0.2207
59 Aerox Augurer 65 World
465 355 (23)
Metal, weak Fire 13837 0.2196
60 Gargantakong King 65 World
481 362 (24)
Fire, weak Water 378552 0.2196
61 Mutinous Prisoner 65 World
464 355 (23)
Earth, weak Wood 13837 0.2196
62 Rattus Sniper 65 World
401 316 (22)
No elements 13837 0.2196
63 Shrunchkin Sorcerer 65 World
464 357 (23)
Wood, weak Metal 13837 0.2196
64 Taurox Advisor 65 World
401 293 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 13837 0.2196
65 Titanial Bondmaid 65 World
465 358 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 13837 0.2196
66 Trioc Ruffian 65 World
400 310 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 13837 0.2196
67 Gilded Princess 64 World
481 297 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 13385 0.2183
68 Soulchaser Antelope 64 World
402 367 (23)
Water, weak Earth 13385 0.2183
69 Taurox Ambassador 64 World
402 327 (22)
Metal, weak Fire 13385 0.2183
70 Taurox Warlock 64 World
400 315 (22)
No elements 13385 0.2183
71 Vortex Crawler Monarch 64 World
259 377 (21)
Water, weak Earth 13385 0.2183
72 Tuuqan 65 - No elements 20820 0.2170
73 Deadmarsh Hexoc 65 Wraithgate
378 534 (33)
No elements 47392 0.2118
74 Catacomb Mobster 65 Twilight Temple
371 537 (11)
No elements 17035 0.2024
75 Catacomb Grudge 64 Twilight Temple
371 533 (11)
Fire, weak Water 16499 0.1977
76 Catacomb Archer 65 Twilight Temple
374 531 (11)
Wood, weak Metal 18928 0.1967
77 Deepwoods Ghoul 65 - No elements 20820 0.0970
Sold in
Name Exists
Craftsman -
Chang the Craftsman World - 26 3 (24)
Craftsman Pi World - 610 717 (22)
Craftsman Pi World - 44 3 (25)
Craftsman Tsai World - 124 590 (52)
Craftsman Tsai World - 62 3 (23)
Craftsman Meng World - 458 328 (26)
Craftsman Meng World - 82 3 (23)
Craftsman Shang World - 448 569 (22)
Craftsman Shang World - 24 5 (24)
Craftsman Wu Min World - 522 644 (22)
Craftsman Wu Min World - 54 5 (23)
Craftsman Kuo Er World - 556 622 (22)
Craftsman Kuo Er World - 56 5 (22)
Craftsman Li World - 565 675 (22)
Craftsman Li World - -8 7 (22)
Craftsman Li World - 560 684 (22)
Craftsman Sharow World - 551 98 (22)
Craftsman Alva World - 115 256 (20)
Craftsman Ariana World - 474 263 (17)
Craftsman Fei ChronoWorld - 370 518 (47)
Craftsman Lidz World - 759 841 (24)
Craftsman Zogwei World - 775 938 (26)
Craftsman Yumcha --- - 477 536 (24)
Craftsman Dienne -
Craftsman Loreen -
Craftsman Campbell -
Craftsman Philia -
Craftsman Chi World - 146 963 (22)
Craftsman Wu Yan World - 322 975 (23)
Craftsman Shih World - 156 897 (22)
Craftsman Yin World - 181 870 (23)
Craftsman Shui Qing World - 152 816 (22)
Craftsman Hong World - 252 813 (22)
Craftsman Pai Sai World - 131 753 (22)
Craftsman Chu World - 238 780 (22)
Craftsman Hsieh World - 640 565 (22)
Craftsman Shen World - 168 469 (49)
Craftsman Chao World - 538 418 (22)
Craftsman Hsieh Qin World - 554 378 (23)
Craftsman Ding Li World - 670 374 (23)
Craftsman Yuan World - 120 307 (54)
Craftsman Hsiao Lothranis - 481 501 (21)
Craftsman Cheng Momaganon - 333 474 (25)
Craftsman Ning Lothranis - 335 591 (20)
Craftsman Ching Momaganon - 478 618 (17) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!